일반 형상의 2차원 영역에서의 멀티스케일 웨이블렛-갤러킨 기법

Multiscale Wavelet-Galerkin Method in General Two-Dimensional Problems

  • Kim, Yun-Yeong (Dept.of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Jang, Gang-Won (Graduate School of Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Eun (Graduate School of Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


We propose a new multiscale Galerkin method based on interpolation wavelets for two-dimensional Poisson's and plane elasticity problems. The major contributions of the present work are: 1) full multiresolution numerical analysis is carried out, 2) general boundaries are handled by a fictitious domain method without using a penalty term or the Lagrange multiplier, 3) no special integration rule is necessary unlike in the (bi-)orthogonal wavelet-based methods, and 4) an efficient adaptive scheme is easy to incorporate. Several benchmark-type problems are considered to show the effectiveness and the potentials of the present approach. is 1-2m/s and impact deformation of the electrode depends on the strain rate at that velocity, the dynamic behavior of the sinter-forged Cu-Cr is a key to investigate the impact characteristics of the electrodes. The dynamic response of the material at the high strain rate is obtained from the split Hopkinson pressure bar test using disc-type specimens. Experimental results from both quasi-static and dynamic compressive tests are Interpolated to construct the Johnson-Cook model as the constitutive relation that should be applied to simulation of the dynamic behavior of the electrodes. The impact characteristics of a vacuum interrupter are investigated with computer simulations by changing the value of five parameters such as the initial velocity of a movable electrode, the added mass of a movable electrode, the wipe spring constant, initial offset of a wipe spring and the virtual fixed spring constant.



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