DRM 기술

  • 발행 : 2002.02.01




  1. 디지털 정보에 대한 식별자 부여 및 전자상거래용 메타데이타 모델에 관한 연구 이창열
  2. 한국전자통신 연구원, 연구 결과 보고서 MPEG-21 기반 방송 컨텐츠 유통 프로토타입 시스템 개발 이창열
  3. "뉴 밀레니엄에서의 저작권 환경" 세미나 WIPO 저작권 조약과 우리의 대응 최경수
  4. Digital Rights Management for Ebooks: Publisher Requirments version 1.0
  5. ContentGuard DRM Solution overview
  6. Extensible rights Markup Language
  7. DVB CPT rev 1.1 DVB Technical Module Subgroup pn Copy Protection Technologies
  8. London Conference The metadata model Godfrey Rust;Bike. Mark
  9. Wpla-001-1.4 Introduction to the INDECS metadata schema Godfrey Rust;Bike. Mark
  10. IRTF_IDRM. 52' IETF meeting Internet Streaming Media Alliance DRM Task Force Report
  11. ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC29/WG11/N4318 MPEG-21 Overview Jan Bormans;Keith Hill
  12. .IRTF SMUG Internet Draft Subset-Difference based Key Management for Secure Multicast Jeff Lotspiech;Moni Naor;Dalit Naor
  13. IDC The DRM Landscape: Technologies. Vendors and Markets Joshua Duhl
  14. Understanding DRM Systems : An IDC White Paper Joshua. Duhl;Susan Kevorkian
  15. IETF-51 August Internet Digital Rights Management Taxonomy Mark Bauger
  16. N4511 MPEG-21 Overview V3.0
  17. W4336, Final v1.0 MPEG-21 Requirements for a Rights Data Dictionary and a Rights Expression Language
  18. The DOI Handbook version 0.3 Norman Paskin
  19. IDF The Digital Object Identifier Initiative : Current Position and Review Forward Norman Paskin
  20. Unite State Patent 6,330,670 Digital Rights Management Operating System Paul. John D;Butler W
  21. Handle System Overview. Sam. X. Sun;Larry Lannom
  22. IETF-51 IDRM Directions & Work Items Thomas Hardjono;mark Baugher