- Handbook of Micro-Nanotribology B. Bhushan
- Principles and applications of tribology B. Bhushan
- Applied Physics Letter v.71 Effects of elastic and inelastic interactions on phase contrast images in tapping-mode scanning force microscopy J. Tamayo;R. Garcia
- Friction and Wear v.20 Atomic force microscopy of friction surface of TiN H.-S. Ahn;S.A. Chizhik;A.M. Dubravin
- KSTLE International Journal (in press) Phase imaging of worn surface on TiN coating and interpretation by force spectroscopy H.-S. Ahn;S.A. Chizhik;I. Luzinov
- Surface and Coating Technology v.82 A Study of the wear mechanism of diamond-like carbon films Y. Liu;A. Erdemir;E.I.Meletis
- Surface and Coating Technology v.73 Tribological properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited on silicon using r.f. plasma enhanced CVD S.R.P. Silva;A. Kapoor;G.A.J. Amaratunga
- Thin Solid Films v.352 Infleunce of sliding mating materials on the tribological behavior of diamond-like carbon films Huiwen Liu;Akihiro Tanaka;Tai Kumagai
- Surface and Coatings Technology v.108-109 Microstructural changes in DLC films due to tribological contact J. Koskinen;D. Schneider;H. Ronkainen;T. Mukkonen;S. Varjus;P. Burck;K. Holmberg;H.J. Scheibe
Thin Solid Films
The wear effect on microstructure of DLC films PECVD-deposited on
$Al_2O_3:TiC$ substrates-a confocal micro-Raman study J.F. Zhao;Z.H. Liu;J. McLaughlin - Diamond Related Materials v.8 A study of microstructural and electrochemical properties of ultra-thin DLC coatings on AlTiC substrates deposited using the ion beam technique Zhi, Hui Liu;Jun Fu Zhao;Jim McLaughlin
- Diamond and Related Materials v.9 Raman spectroscopy measurements of DC-magnetron sputtered carbon nitride(a-C:N) thin films for magnetic hard disk coatings M. Neuhaeuser;H. Hilgers;P. Joeris;R. White;J. Windeln
- Review of Scientific Instruments (In press) An etching voltage control technique for the electrochemical rabercation of scanning probe microscope tips D.I. Kim;H.-S. Ahn