광 바이오센서를 이용한 비표지 생계물질들의 특이 상호작용력의 측정

Label-free Detection of Biomolecular Specific Interaction by Optical Biosensors

  • 김의락 (계명대학교 자연과학부 화학과) ;
  • 최정우 (서강대학교 공과대학 화학공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


Label-free optical methods for the monitoring of interactions between biological molecules have become increasingly popular within the last decade. A rising number of publications have demonstrated the benefits of direct biomolecular interaction analysis(BIA) for biology and biochemistry, such as antigen-antibody Interactions, receptor-ligand interactions, protein-DNA, DNA- intercalator, and DNA-DNA interactions. This article gives an overview of the historical development, principle and application of label-free optical biosensor to examine the functional characteristics of biospecific interaction, such as kinetics, affinity, and binding position of biomolecular between an immobilized species at the transducer surface and its dissolved binding partner.



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