촉매화된 acetylcholine esterase가수분해의 기질로 사용될 choline ester를 두 가지 방법으로 합성하였다. 먼저, ethylene sulfide를 출발물질로 하여 2-chloroethyl thiohex-anoate, 2-chloroethyl thioheptanoate, 2-chloroethyl thiooc-tanoate를 각각 합성하였고 여기에 trimethyl amine을 첨가하여 hexanonyl thiocholine, octanonyl thiocholine을 합성하였다. 두 번째 방법으로 ethylene sulfide에 dimethyl amine을 첨가시켜 acid anhydride로 acylation 시킨 후 methyl iodide를 첨가하여 heptanoyl thiocholine, decanoyl thiocholine을 합성하였다. 합성된 hexanonyl thiocholine을 기질로 하여 butyrylcholine esterase와의 반응을 연구 하고자 한다. 또한 본 연구에서는 한국 과학 기술원 도핑컨트롤 센터와 연계하여 acetylcholine esterase와 기질인 acyl-thiocholine과의 입체적으로 둘러싸인 acyl-binding site를 분자 조형하고자 노력 중에 있다.
Choline esters that are used with substrate of BChE-catalyzed hydrolyses were synthesized by two methods. First, 2-chloroethyl thiohexanoate, 2-chloroethyl thioheptanoate, and 2-chloroethyl thiooctanoate were synthesized by the treatment of hexanoyl chloride with ethylene sulfide. Hexanoyl thiocholine and octanoyl thiocholine were synthesized by using 2-chloroethyl thiohexanoate and 2-chloroethyl thiooctanoate with trimethyl amine. Second, after reaction of ethylene sulfide and dimethyl amine, followed by acylation with acid anhydride and then heptanonyl thiocholine, decanoyl thiocholine were synthesized by treatment of methyl iodide.