조선후기 죽산(竹山) 박씨 집안의 조복(朝服)에 관한 연구 -원광대학교 박물관에 소장된 적초의.적초상을 중심으로-

A Study on the Jooksan Park′s Cho-bok′s of Late Chosun Dynasty -Based on the jukchoui.jukchosang in museum, Wonkwang University-

  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


This study examines the Jukchoui and Jukchosang from the late 19th century archived at Wonkwang University Museum focusing on the order and techniques of sewing used to make them to arrive at a better understanding of the sewing methods in late Chosen period and of 'Po'(Robe), one of the most symbolic outfits in Eastern Asia. Since there is no document on the items in Wonkwang collection, I reproduced and studies them based on the 19th-century sample. The sewing methods used for these items included fine broad-stitching, saddle-stitching, blind-stitching, and hemming, and there was no lining for the robe. The items in Wonkwang collection seem to reflect the trend of the late Chosun period when various systems including that of clothing were simplified: Jukchoui and Jukchosang in the period had same design for all levels, but colors and lengths were varied to mark the status of the wearer.



  1. 한국복식문화사 유희경;김문자
  2. 한국의 복식문화(Ⅱ) 임영미
  3. 명품도록 숙명여자대학교박물관
  4. 복식명풍도록 고려대학교박물관
  5. 이화여자대학교박물관 특별전 도록 복식
  6. 왕세자출궁도의 복식연구 Ⅱ no.服飾31 홍나영