Breeding Resource Materials of Silkworm Bombyx mori L., Adaptive to Tropical Climates

  • P. Sudhakara Rao (Central Sericulturch and Training Institute, Mysore-570008, India) ;
  • R. K. Datta (Central Sericulturch and Training Institute, Mysore-570008, India) ;
  • K. M, Vijaya-Kumari (Central Sericulturch and Training Institute, Mysore-570008, India) ;
  • M. Ramesg Babu (Andhra pradesh Research and Development Institute, Hindupur-515202, India)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


With the objective of selecting suitable breeding resource material, 10 polyvoltine and 10 bivoltine breeds were drawn from the germplasm collection of Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, and evaluated for 3 seasons comprising one year (6 trials). Data were collected on seven traits of economic importance such as fecundity, pupation rate, cocoon yield, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio and filament length, and statistically analysed with two-way classification, Joint scoring method and evaluation index. Significant seasonal variations (P < 0.01) were observed in both polyvoltine and bivoltine breeds. Polyvoltines BL27, BL36 and BL54 and bivoltines CSR2, CSR4 and Daizo scored highest ranking values in all the three methods. Hybridization was initiated based on larval markings and cocoon shapes. Seasonal variations were discussed.



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