이동 내장형 미들웨어와 개발 툴셋

  • 발행 : 2002.07.01




  1. IEEE Computer What's Ahead for Embedded Software? Edward A. Lee
  2. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Intermational Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'99) Applying Use Cases for the Requirements Validation of Component-Based Real-Time Software Wolfgang Fleisch
  3. Component Software-Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clemens Szyperski
  4. UNIX Network Programming Stevens, W. R.
  5. The Corba Reference Guide: Understanding the Common Object Request Broker Architecture Pope, A.
  6. Corba Distributed Objects: Using Orbix Baker, S.
  7. Programming With Visibroker: A Developer's Guide to Visibroker for Java Natarajan, V.;Reich, S.;Vasudevan, B.
  8. CORBA Component Model OMG
  9. Inside COM Rogerson, D.
  10. Java.rmi : The Remote Method Invocation Guide Pitt, E.;McNiff, K.
  11. Enterprise Javabeans Monson-Haefel, R.
  12. Java Message Service Monson-Haefel, R.;Chappell, D. A.;Loukides, M.
  13. MQSeries (Version 5.1) Administration and Programming Examples Redbooks, I.
  14. CICS: A Guide to Internal Structure Hudders, E.
  15. Building Client/Server Applications Using TUXEDO Hall, C.
  16. Phd thesis(Jan) Reflection and Semantics in a Procedural Programming Language Smith, B.
  17. The Art of the Metaobject Protocol Kiczales, G.;Des Riveres, J.;Borow, D.
  18. Proceedings of OOPSLA '92 The Apertos reflective operating system: The concept and its implementation Yokoter, Y.
  19. Proceedings of Reflection '96 Meta-level architecture support for distributed objects McAffer, J.
  20. OpenORB ExoLab
  21. Reflection '99 v.1616 of LNCS OpenCorba: a Reflective Open Broker Ledoux, T.
  22. International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware 2000) Monitoring, Security, and Dynamic Configuration with the dynamic TAO Reflective ORB Kon, F.;Roman, M.;Liu, P.;Mao, J.;Yamane, T.;aes, L. M.;Cambpell, R.
  23. Proceedings of Middleware '98(Sept. 1998) An Architecture for Next Generation Middleware Blair, G.;Coulson, G.;Robin, P.;Papathomas, M.
  24. Proceedings of International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications(DOA'99) Adaptive QoS Aware Binding of Persistent Objects Plagemann, T.;Eliassen F.;Goebel, V.;Kristensen, T.;Rafaelsen, H.
  25. Proceedings of International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications(DOA '99) A Framework for Policy Bindings Hanssen, Ø;Eliassen, F.
  26. IEEE Concurrency v.7 no.1 Globe: a Wide-Area Distributed System van Steen, M.;Hauck, F.;Homburg, P.;Tanenbaum, A.
  27. Proc. 7th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems From Remote Objects to Physically Distributed Objects Bakker, A.;van steen, M.;Tanenbaum, A.
  28. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems v.7 no.1 Generative Communication in Linda Gelernter, D.
  29. IBM Systems Journal v.37 no.3 T Spaces Wyckoff, P.;McLaughry, S. W.;Lehman, T. J.;Ford, D. A.
  30. Technical report Javaspaces specication 1.0 Waldo, J.
  31. Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE-99) Lime: Linda meets Mobility Picco, G.;Murphy, A.;Roman, G. C.
  32. Proc. of the Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Context-Aware Computing Applications Schilit, B.;Adams, N.;Want, R.
  33. Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications An indoor wireless system for personalized shopping assistence Asthana, A.;Krzyzanowski, M. C. P.
  34. Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking Rapid prototyping of mobile context-aware applications: the Cyberguide case study Long, S.;Kooper, R.;Abowd, G.;Atkenson, C.
  35. Proc. of the Ieee Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Teleporting-making applications mobile Bennett, F.;Richardson, T.;Harter, A.
  36. Personal Technologies v.2 no.1 Triggering information by context Brown, P.
  37. Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on wearable Computers (ISWC '99) The Conference Assistant: Combining Context-Awareness withWearable Computing Dey, A.;Futakawa, M.;Salber, D.;Abowd, G.
  38. Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Oracle Technology Network
  39. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symopsium on Telegeoprocessing Positioning and Data Management Concepts for Location Aware Applications Fritsch, D.;Klinec, D.;Volz, S.
  40. Solutions for Location Data Mediation Alternis, S. A.
  41. Wireless Location services SignalSoft
  42. The CellPoint System CellPoint, Inc.
  43. IEEE Transactions on Computers v.39 no.4 Coda: A Highly Available File System for a Distributed Workstation Environment Satyanarayanan, M.;Kistler, J.;Kumar, P.;Okasaki, M.;Siegel, E.;Steere, D.
  44. IEEE Personal Communication v.3 no.1 Mobile Information Access Satyanarayanan, M.
  45. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications The Bayou Architecture: Support for Data Sharing among Mobile Users Demers, A.;Petersen, K.;Spreitzer, M.;Terry, D.;Theimer, M.;welch, B.
  46. Proc. of the International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2001) An XML-based Middleware for Peerto-Peer Computing Mascolo, C.;Capra, L.;Emmerich, W.
  47. The Jini[tm] Specication Arnold, K.;O'Sullivan, B.;Scheifler, R. W.;Waldo, J.;Wollrath, A.
  48. Technical report, Java Software Division of Sun Microsytems Proposed Java Real-Time API, v0.2 Sun's Java Community Process Real-time Expert Group
  49. Technical report, RTJEG Real-Time Specification for Java, v0.8.1 The Real-Time for Java Expert Group
  50. Technical Report, J Consortium Draft International J Consortium Specification J Consortium
  51. Technical Report, A&D GT1 RT Java Proposal K. H. Krause;W. Hartmann
  52. Real-Time Systems Symposium Implementation and Evaluation of Real-Time Java Threads A. Miyoshi;H. Tokuda;T. Kitayama
  53. Communications of the ACM v.41 no.6 Adding Real-Time Capabilities to Java K. Nilsen
  54. Real-Time Magazine A new Java thread model for concurrent programming of real-time systems G. Hilderink
  55. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah Java Operating Systems: Design an implementation G. Back;P.Tullmann;L. Stoller;W. Hsieh;J. Lepreau
  56. IEEEComputer v.31 no.2 picoJava: a direct execution engine for Java bytecode H. McGhan;M. O'Connor
  57. The Real Time for Java Expert Group The Real-Time Specification for Java G. Bollella;B. Brosgol;P. Dibble (et al.)
  58. JSR-000030 J2ME Connected Limited Device Configuration Java Community Process
  59. A White Paper Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) Technology for Creating Mobile Devices Java Community Process
  60. A White Paper The K Virtual Machine Java Community Process
  61. ACM Computing Surveys v.32 no.3 Techniques for Obtaining High Performance in Java Programs I. H. Kazi;H. H. Chen;B. Stanley;D. Lilja
  62. IEEE Transactions on Computers v.50 no.2 Java Runtime Systems: Characterization and Architectural Implications R. Radhakrishnan (et. al)
  63. A White Paper, Venture Development Corporation 1999 Embedded Operating Systems And Software Development Tools Strategic Market Intelligence Program: Real-time Operating Systems And Software Development Tools Nozomi Nishimura;Paul Czerny;Maurice Klapfish
  64. Gartner Dataquest 2001 Embedded Software Tools Worldwide Forecast Nancy Wu
  65. University of Virginia TR CS-2000-19 VEST: A Toolset For Constructing and Analyzing Component-Based Operating Systems for Embedded and Real-Time Systems J. Stankovic
  66. IEEE/IEE Real-Time Embedded Systems Workshop VEST: Virginia Embedded Systems Toolkit J. Stankovic (et. al.)
  67. technical report VEST: User's Manual J. Stankovic (et. al.)
  68. VEST: A Toolset for Constructing and Analyzing Component Based Embedded Systems J. Stankovic
  69. Real-Time Systems Symposium MetaH: Support for Real-Time Multi-Processor Avonics S. Vestal
  70. technical report MetaH User's Manual Honeywell Technology Center
  71. International Workshop on Embedded Software Formalizing Software Architectures for Embedded Systems Pam Binns;Steve Vestal
  72. IEEE Proceedings Scheduling and Communication in MetaH Steve Vestal;Pam Binns
  73. European Software Engineering Conference 1999 - ESEC 99 v.1687 The CIP Method: Component and Model-Based Construction of Embedded Systems Hugo Fierz
  74. CIP Tool-User Manual CIP System AG
  75. OOPSLA Application of Patterns to Real-time Object-oriented Soft ware Design Ross Albert McKegney
  76. RTiS'01 Modeling of Real-Time Systems in UML with Rational Rose and Rose Real-Time based on RUP Honourable mention;Magnus Antonsson;Pernilla Hansson
  77. Software Technology Conference Reducing Avionics Software Cost Through Component Based Product Line Development David C. Sharp