녹색관광의 참여의도에 관여하는 영향인자와 제한요소 규명

Identification of Influential Attributes and Constraints Affecting Green Tourism Participation Intention

  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


This research is a preliminary empirical investigation to segment the green tourism market by intention, which is a major precedent variable determining the behavior(i.e., participation in green tourism). Then, characteristics of each segmented group such as their socio-demographic variables, green tourism attitude, types of attractions they want to be provided in destination, and constraints to participate in green tourism were compared to give information useful for green tourism managers. Data was collected by a polling agency on a total of 608 residents of Seoul, who would be potential green tourists. Three green tourist groups were identified by intention to participate. The results showed that only gender among socio-demographic variables, two constraint factors, green tourism attitude, and s]me attractions were statistically significant. It is worth noticing, however, that there was no difference in green tourism attitude between the two groups that have the strongest and the weakest intention to participate in green tourism. This result means that the green tourism attitude does not always influence positively on the formation of intention. Perceived behavioral control construct such as cost may played an important role in lowering intention to visit. Based on the findings, several marketing strategies were suggested such as identification of target market and inducing potential green tourists to participate.



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