다양한 규모의 루프형 2상 유동 열사이폰의 시뮬레이션

Simulation Study on Various Scale of Two-Phase Loop Thermosyphons

  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


An experimental and analytical study was made on the heat transfer characteristics of one small (150 W), two medium (60 and 1,500 W, respectively) and two large (7,500and 100,000 W) two-phase loop thermosyphons (TLT), and the results from the experiments were used to see if a computer simulation code alone for such TLT heat transfer systems would give any meaningful quantitative results without being accompanied with some benchmark experimental verification. Two simulation methods were used for the analysis of the systems, i.e., the lumped and the sectorial thermal resistance methods. The study clearly shows that the computer simulation for the three TLTs can predict the most cases of the affecting parameters involved, provided that correct empirical correlations are used. To do so, however, the interior temperature distribution had to be verified by experiment.



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  2. Energy R&D v.17 no.2 Heat Transporting Technology of Separate Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Lee K.W.;Hong S.H.;Chang K.C.;Lee K.J.;Ra H.S.
  3. Proc. 2nd Heat Pipe Workshop Korea A Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristic by Counter Flow and Parallel Flow in Separate Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Lee K.W.;Chang K.C.;Lee K.J.;Ra H.S.;Hong S.H.
  4. Ph.D Thesis An Experimental and Analytical(Simulation) Study on Two-Phase Loop Thermosyphons;Very Small to Very Large Systems Rhi S.H.
  5. 6th Int. Heat Pipe conference An Experimental and Simulation study on Medium and Large Scale Tow-Phase Loop Thermosyphons Lee K.W.;Rhi S.H.;Chang K.C.;Lee Y.
  6. ASHRAE Trans v.83 A Thermosiphon Loop Performance Characteristics:Part2. Simulation Program Ali, A.F.M.;McDonald, T.W.
  7. KSME int. J v.12 no.5 A Desing of Two-Phase Loop Thermosyphon for Telecommunications System(I):Anaysis and Simulation Rhi S.H.;Kim W.T.;Kim K.S.;Lee Y.
  8. Proceeding of 11th International Heat Pipe Conference v.3 A Limitation of Computer Simulation for Two-Phase Closed Loop Thermosyphons Lee Y.;Rhi S.H.
  9. 6th Int. Heat Pipe Conference A Lumped and Sectorial(Flow Pattern) Methods for Computer Simulation of Tow-Phase Loop Thermosyphons Lee Y.;Rhi S.H.
  10. Int. J. of Heat Mass Transfer v.32 no.10 A Fully Developed Nucleate Boiling in Up-flow and Downflow Hahne E.;Shen N.;Spindler K.
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  12. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Process Design and Development v.5 no.3 A Correlation for Boiling Heat Transfer to Saturated Fluids in Convective Dhen J.C.
  13. ASHRAE Trans v.88 no.1 Chart Correlation for Saturated Boiling Heat Transfer:Equations and Further Study Shah M.M.
  14. J. of Heat Transfer v.1 A General Correlation for Saturated Two-Phase Flow Boiling that Transfer Inside Vertical and Horizontal Tubes Kandlikar S.G.
  15. J. of Heat Mass Transfer v.29 no.3 A General Correlation for Flow Boiling in Tubes and Annuli Gungor K.E.;Winterton R.H.S.
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  17. AIChE Sym. Series v.69 no.131 Forced Convection Heat Transfer to A Two Phase Mixture of Water and Steam in A Helical Coil Crain B.;Bell K.J.
  18. Dynamics of Two-Phase Flows An Analogy between Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Forced Convective Boiling Flow Sekeguchi K.;Han Z.X.;Kaji M.;Imasaka T.;Sumiyoshi Y.
  19. Int. symp. research in cocurrent gas-liquid flow Effect of Flow Direction on the Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient in Vertical Tubes Pujol I.;Stenning A.W.;E.Rhodes(ed.);D.S.Scott(ed.)
  20. Lawrence Tadiation Lab report #TID-14632 Forced Convection Boiling Studies.Final Report on Forced Convection Vaporization Project Schrock V.E.;Grossman L.M.
  21. UCRL-9744 Downflow Forced Convection of Boiling in Uniformly Heated Tubes Wright R.M.
  22. A.I.Ch.E. J v.11 no.6 A Heat Transfer to Evaporating Refrigerants in Two-Phase Flow Lavin J.G.;Young H.Y.
  23. A.I.Ch.E. Symposium, Series 138 v.70 Heat Transfer to Boiling Refrigerants Flowing Inside a Plain Copper Tube Rhee B.W.;Young H.Y.
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  25. M.A.Sc Thesis Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon with Two-Fluid Mixtures Park R.J.
  26. Proceedings of 11th International Heat Pipe Conference v.1 no.B A Use of Two-Phase Loop Thermosyphons for Heat Extraction of Enclosed Spaces : Experiments and Analysis Lee, J.S.;Rhi, S.H. Kwon, J.H.;Lee Y.