
Aesthetics of Underwear

  • 이상례 (동명정보대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


The subject of the paper is for the study about the implication and the changes of design and functions in the underwear by the change of the times from late 19c until present time. Researching on documents and magazine's articles, and interviewing with women older than 60s is used for the period of previous 1960s. researching on documents, advertising, newspaper, and interviewing with the persons concerned is used for the period of after 1960s. Analysis showed periodical change in underwear is divided into that the changes of the time is divided into 1890-1950 start to Westernization in underwear, 1957-1969 Ready made in underwear. 1950-1969 Variety in underwear, 1980-1989 Fashioning, functioning in underwear, 1990-present Withdrawing from fundamental notion in underwear. The time of 1890-l950 showed the biggest change in an external form in underwear. In 1950-1969, notions of beauty in underwear ultimately swatch from Oriental sense to Western sense, In 70s, underwear achieved the early stage of fashioning. In 80s, Underwear became one of fashion item. In 90s, underwear achieved higher quality and variety. The basic notion of underwear was destroyed by exposing underwear.



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