패션 소재의 색채 이미지와 질감에 관한 연구

A Study on the Color and Texture of Fashion Fabrics

  • 추선형 (한국 패션컬러센터) ;
  • 김영인 (연세대학교 생활디자인 전공교수)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


Many fashion forecasting companies propose the fashion colors in every season. Modern fashion consumer respond to fashionable trends with utmost sensitivity. Therefore to satisfy the consumer with an trendy image, the fashion design must be found first, as image matters, followed by an analysis of each design element's effect on the total image composition. In previous studies of fashion image, has been discussed the positive correlation between fashion design elements of color, fabric, and form as the central issue. In this thesis, two of the fashion design elements, color and fabric are simultaneously considered to classify the image of fabric in fashion. For the color variables, 10 hues are selected from Munsell's system of color notation, and 12 tones from PCCS color notation., which are currently used in the domestic fashion industry. Texture variables used in this survey are classified by luster, prominence-depression of surface, thickness, and density of fabric. Graduate students from 20 to 50 years old and the specialists in fashion companies participated in the survey. The results of this survey are as follows: 1. The fashion fabric image is classified as 5 main images: 'elegant', 'comfortable', 'characteristic', 'light'and 'simple'. 2. The influence of hue, tone and texture is significant to the fashion fabric image. Following colors, yellow-red, red hues and light grayish, dark grayish tones convey the elegant image. The texture property for the elegant image is luster, thin and low density. Properties of fabric conveying the comfortable image are yellow-red and green-yellow hue, soft, light tones, matte and high density. Furthermore, hue turned out to be a insignificant variables for the unique image, whereas dark grayish, grayish tone, luster and prominent texture convey a unique image. For light image, properties of fabric are blue-green, purple hues, light, bright tones with thin, low density texture. Properties of fabric conveying the simple image are blue-green, purple-blue, green-yellow hues, and strong, vivid tones, with luster and flat texture.



  1. 디자인학회지 no.18 청색이미지 고찰에 의한 복식디자인 강병희;김영인
  2. 석사학위논문, 이화여자대학교 대학원, 생활미술학과 이미지 전달요소로서 texture에 관한 연구 권은주
  3. 박사학위논문, 한양대학교 대학원, 의류학과 Texture와 Colour Coordination의 감성공학적 Technology에 관한 연구 김미지자
  4. 디자인학회지 no.16 복식디자인을 위한 보라색 이미지의 고찰 김은경;김영인
  5. Color Image Scale 小林重順
  6. 디자인 학회 춘계 학술 발표회 복식디자인 프로세스에 의한 빨강 색채 분석의 적용 송연주;김영인
  7. 석사학위논문, 서울대학교 대학원, 의류학과 現代 女性 日常服의 性的이미지와 狀況的 이미지에 관한 硏究 안유인
  8. 한국의류학회 춘계 학술 발표회 무채색의 색채 이미지와 복식디자인 윤지윤;김영인
  9. 석사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원, 의류환경학과 노란색 이미지에 의한 복식디자인 이현주
  10. 한국의류학회지 v.17 no.4 의복이미지의 계층구조 대한 연구 정인희;이은영
  11. 복식학회지 no.31 복식디자인을 위한 녹색의 배색 계획 추선형;김영인
  12. Visual Design in Dress Davis,M.L.
  13. The Second Skin Horn,M.J.;Gurel,L.M.