고정도 열변위보정을 위한 주축대의 열적굽힘에 대한 연구

Research into Head-body Thermal Bending for High-accuracy Thermal Error Compensation

  • 김태원 (대우종합기계(주) 공기자동화본부 연구개발실) ;
  • 하재용 (대우종합기계(주) 공기자동화본부 연구개발실) ;
  • 고태조 (영남대학교 기계공학과)
  • Kim, Tae-Weon (Daewoo Heavy Industries and Machinery Ltd.) ;
  • Hah, Jae-Yong (Daewoo Heavy Industries and Machinery Ltd.) ;
  • Ko, Tae-Jo (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


Machine tools are engineered to give high dimensional accuracy in machining operation. However, errors due to thermal effects degrade dimensional accuracy of machine tools considerably, and many machine tools are equipped with thermal error compensation function. In general, thermal errors can be generated in the angular directions as well as linear directions. Among them, thermal errors in the angular directions contribute a large amount of error components in the presence of offset distance as in the case of Abbe error. Because most of thermal error compensation function is based on a good correlation between temperature change and thermal deformation, angular thermal deformation is often to be the most difficult hurdle for enhancing compensation accuracy. In this regard, this paper investigates the effect of thermal bending to total thermal error and gives how to deal with thermally induced bending effects in thermal error compensation.



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