An Attempt to Model Distributions of Machined Component Dimensions in Production

  • Cogun, Can (Mechanical Engineering Department, Gazi University) ;
  • Kilinc, Biinyamin (Mechanical Engineering Department, Gazi University)
  • Published : 2002.01.01


In this study, normal, log-normal, triangular, uniform. Weibull, Erlang and unit beta probability density functions are tried to represent the behaviour of frequency distributions of workpiece dimensions collected from various manufacturing firms. Among the distribution functions, the unit beta distribution function is found to be the best fit using the chi-square test of fit. An attempt is made for the adoption of the unit beta model to x-bar charts of quality control in manufacturing. In this direction, upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) of x-bar control charts of dimension measurements are estimated for the beta model, and the observed differences between the beta and normal model control limits are discussed for the measurement sets.



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