정보시스템 아웃소싱의 성공요인에 관한 연구

A Study of the Success Factors for the Development of IS Outsourcing

  • 발행 : 2002.11.30


It is estimated that the world market size of the outsourcing of information system will be 780 billions in 2004, and that of ASP, one of outsourcing markets, will be 24 billions in 2005. The domestic outsourcing market also has 6 times grown in 2001 compared to the size in 2000. However, there have been only a few systematic researches about information system outsourcing and ASP in Korea. Though the importance of ASP has been recognized, no business model has been examined. So, this research was done to survey the outsourcing of information system and the meaning/present status of ASP, and to consider several factors to successfully introduce this service to companies. Especially, this research focused on ASP.



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