Study on Some Qualitative Features of Meat from Young Goat of Bulgarian Breeds and Crossbreeds of Goats Slaughtered at Various Ages

  • Stankov, Iv.K. (Department of Ruminant Animals, Agricultural Faculty, Trakia University) ;
  • Todorov, N.A. (Department of Ruminant Animals, Agricultural Faculty, Trakia University) ;
  • Mitev, J.E. (Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Agricultural Faculty, Trakia University) ;
  • Miteva, Tch.M. (Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Agricultural Faculty, Trakia University)
  • 투고 : 2000.09.21
  • 심사 : 2001.10.08
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


A comparative study on the quality of meat from three breeds of goats reared in Bulgaria: Local Aboriginal (LA); Bulgarian White Dairy (BWD) and crossbreeds of local aboriginal with Saanen goats (LA ${\times}$ S). Eight intact young male goats from each breed have been included in the experiment. The animals from the three breeds have been reared under similar conditions. The animals have been slaughtered at the age of 2 months (at weaning) and at the age of 6 months (upon reaching sexual maturity). The following tests have been performed on samples of m. longissimus dorsi between $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ ribs: pH 45 min post mortum, colorimetrically color of meat, water holding capacity and fatty acid composition of the fat. The thickness of muscle fibre and the proportion of muscle, connective and adipose tissue have been microscopically determined at m. longissimus dorsi, m. semitendinosus and m. iliopsoas. After deboning and separating the bigger tendons, the chemical composition of the meat from the left half of the carcass has been determined. The results reveal lack of statistically significant differences among the three breeds concerning pH, the water holding capacity, color of meat, thickness of the muscle fibre and fatty acid composition of the fat. The carcass meat of crossbreeds of LA ${\times}$ S contains significantly more fat than the other two breeds. This influences the proportion of muscle, connective and adipose tissue in m. longissimus dorsi, m. semitendinosus and m. iliopsoas, resulting in more adipose tissue in the LA ${\times}$ S compared to young goats of the LA or the BWD. There are differences in slaughtering 2-month-old goats (at weaning) and 6-month-old ones (upon reaching sexual maturity). At a greater age the content of fat in the carcass increases, as well as the quantity of the adipose tissue, the intensity of the colour of the meat and there is a tendency towards thickening of the muscle fibre and increasing the water holding capacity of meat. The moisture content in meat decreases due to the increase of fat.



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