자기애적 성격성향자의 자존감과 적대갑에 관한 연구

Narcissists' Self-esteem and Hostility

  • 발행 : 2002.07.31


The purpose of this study was to examined the relationships between the narcissism and the self-esteem, the hostility. In order to accomplish the above purpose, empirical research has executed. First, the narcissism, the self-esteem and the hostility was analyzed, and the subfactors of narcissism, the self-esteem and the hostility was. The major results from this study were as follows. (1) The narcissism had significantly a positive correlation to the self-esteem and the hostility, and both of the self-esteem and the hostility influenced of significantly the narcissism, especially the hostility influenced of the narcissism even more importantly. (2) The more narcissism showed the higher self-esteem overtly and the more hostility. (3) The all subfactors to except the self-centeredness of the narcissism had a positive correlation to the self-esteem, and the all subfactors of narcissism had a positive correlation to the hostility. (4) The most important narcissism personality traits which influenced of the self-esteem was the superiority, and the hostility the self-centeredness. Narcissists are motivated by the preference for being superior to others. That is, narcissists have an extreme emotional investment in establishing their superiority, even if they are unsure that their superiority is merited. therefore, it is possible for narcissists to have high self-esteem. But this is to defence the fragility of the vulnerable self structure. And, narcissists feel very much a sense of hostility in psychologically. Because they are hyper-sensitive to negative information, they will be more likely to encounter information or situations that challenge their positive self-appraisals. In response to these challenges, or ego threats, they will likely experience negative emotion, such as hostility.



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