- Pure and Applied Geophysics v.132 Propagation and attenuation characteristics of the crustal phase Le Campillo, M
- Bulletine of the Seismological society of America v.75 Frequency-dependent attenuation in the crust beneath central France from Lg waves: data analysis and numerical modeling Campillo, M;J. L. Plantet;M. Bouchon
- Geology of Korea Cretaceous strata Chang,K.H;D. S. Lee(ed)
- Geology of Korea Gravity and crustal structure Choi, G.S.;D.S.Lee(ed)
- KIGAM Research Report An investigation and evaluation of capable fault - southeastern part of the Kerean Peninsula Choi,U.;D.Y.Lee;B.J.Lee;C.R.Ryoo;P.Y.Choi;S.J.Choi;D.L.Cho;J.Y.Kim;C.B.Lee;W.S.Kee;D.Y.Yang;I.J.Kim;Y.Kim;J.H.Yoo;B.G.Chae;W.Y.Kim;P.J.Kang;I.H.Yu;H.K.Lee
- Bulletine of the Seismological Society of America v.77 A novel technique for measuring Lg attenuation:results from Eastern Canada between 1 to 10 Hz Chun,K.Y.;G.F.West;R.J.Kokoski;C.Samson
- Bulletine of the Seismological Society of America v.91 Attenuation of high-Frequency P-and S-waves in the crust of the southeastern Korea Chung, T. W;H. Sato
- Journal of Geophysical Research v.95 Attenuation of high-frequency shear waves in the crust: measurements from New York State Frankel,A.;A.McGarr;J.Bicknell;J.Mori;L.Seeber;E.Cranswick
- Bulletind of the Seismological Society of America v.91 Variation in regional phase propagation in the area around Japan Furumura, T.;B.L.N.Kennett
- Bulletine of the Seismological Society of America v.84 Frequency-dependent attenuation of shear waves in the crust of the southern Kanto area, Kinoshita, S.
- Bulletine of the Seismological Society of America v.79 Q in southern Norway Kvamme, L. B.;J. Havskov
- Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society v.1 Historical earthquake data of Korea Lee, K.
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea v.20 A gophysical study of the Yangsan fault area Lee, K.;B.I.Jeong;Y.H.Kim;S.J.Yang
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea v.27 Segmentation of the Yangsan fault system: Geophtsical studies on major faults in the Kyeongsang basin Lee, K.;Y.G.Jin
- Journal of Physics of the Earth v.26 no.supplementary Major strike-slip faults and their bearing on spreading in the Japan Sea Otsuki, K.;M. Ehiro
- Seismic wave propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous earth Sato, H.;M. C. Fehler
- Journal of Geophysical Research v.88 Regionalization of crustal coda Q in the continental United States Shin, T. C.;R. B. Herrmann
- Maurice Ewing Series Deep Sea Trenches and Back Arc Basins Sillitoe,R.H.;M. Talwani;W.C.PitmanⅢ