The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 14 Issue 3
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- Pages.273-296
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- 2002
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
Pain Relief and Satisfaction by Hydrotherapy among Urban Elderly
일부 노인들의 수치료에 의한 통증경감과 만족도 조사
Lee, In-Hak
(Department P. T. Taejon Health Sciences College) ;
- Youn, Jung-In (Department P. T. Taejon Health Sciences College) ;
- Moon, Seng-Ki (Department O.T., Taejon Health Sciences College)
- Published : 2002.09.01
This study was conducted to investigate the pain relief score and the degree of satisfaction among elderly people. This study has done from July 11th, 2001 to August 31st, 2001 at Hydrotherapy Facility in the College of Bogun(Taejon Health Sciences College) located in Taejeon, Korea. Eighty-eight patients were participated to the questionnaire. The results were as follow. 1. The mean value of the pain relief score in the female group was higher than the mean value of the pain relief score in the male group(p<0.05). The mean value of the pain relief score in the group having religion was higher than the group not having religion(p<0.05). The pain relief score was not significantly different in age, presence of spouse, the way of housing, and academic background. The degree of satisfaction was not significantly different in sex, age, presence of spouse, the way of housing, religion, and academic background. 2. The pain relief score and the degree of satisfaction were not significantly different in the presence of comorbidity, going with the hydrotherapy, and the moment of diagnosis. 3. According to the ADL, the mean value of the pain relief score in the Independent was higher than the mean value in maximal assistance and minimal assistance(p<0.05). Independent, maximal assistance and minimal assistance were not significantly different in the degree of satisfaction (p<0.05). 4. The pain relief score and the degree of satisfaction were not significantly different in the legion of pain.