정익과 동익의 상호작용을 고려한 익렬의 공력 형상 최적 설계

Optimum Design of Aerodynamic Shape of Cascade with Rotor-Stator Interactions

  • 조장근 (부산대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 박원규 (부산대학교 기계기술연구소(기계공학부))
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Since the previous cut-and-try design algorithm requires much cost and time, the automated design technique with the CFD and optimum design algorithm has recently been concerned. In this work, the Navier-Stokes equation was solved to gain more detailed viscous flow information of cascade with rotor-stator interactions. The H-grid embedded by O-grid was generated to obtain more accurate solution by eliminating the branch cut of H-grid near airfoil surface. To handle the relative motion of the rotor to the stationary stator, the sliding multiblock method was applied and the cubic-spline interpolation was used on the block interface boundary. To validate present procedure, the time-averaged aerodynamic loads were compared with experimeatal data. A good agreement was obtained. The Modified Method of Feasible Direction (MMFD) was used to carry out the sensitivity analysis of the change of aerodynamic performance by the changes of the cascade geometry. The present optimization of the cascade gave a dramatic reduction of the drag while the lift maintains at the value within the user-specified tolerance.



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  2. Journal of Turbomachinery v.117 A Quasi-Unsteady Study on Wake Interaction of Turbomachinery Yamamoto, A.;Murao, R.;Suzuki, Y.;Aoi, Y.
  3. JSME International Journal v.33 no.1 Unsteady Flows and Fores by Turbine Rotor-Stator Interactions Nishiyama, T.
  4. Journal of Fluids of Engineering v.117 Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Rotor-Stator Spacing and Wake/Blade Count Ratio on Turbomachinery Unsteady Flows Lakshiminarayama, B.;Yu, W.S.
  5. Journal of Proulsion and Power v.13 no.3 Unsready Aerodynamic Flow Phenomena in a Transonic Compressor Stage Har, C.;Puterbaugh, S.L.;Copenhaver, W.W.
  6. Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery v.2 Unsteady Incompressible Turbulnet Flow Simulation of the Rotor-Stator Configuration Park, W.G.;Kim, H.W.;Jung, Y.R.;Kim, K.S.;Park, E.D.
  7. AIAA Paper 94-1895-CP A Hybrid Optimization Method for the Aerodynamic Design of Lifting Surfaces;Optimization for Maximum Efficiency Santos, L.C.;Sankar, L.N.
  8. AIAA Journal v.32 no.11 Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods Burgreen, G.W.;Baysal, O.
  9. Journal of Fluids Engineering v.113 Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis Methods for the Compressible Euler Equations Baysal, O.;Eleshaky, M.E.
  10. AIAA Paper 91-3287-CP Transonic Airfoil Design By Constrained Optimization Lee, K.D.;Eyi, S.
  11. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications v.83 no.3 Airfoil Design Optimization Using the Navier-Stokes Equations Eyi, S.;Hager, J.O.;Lee, K.D.
  12. AIAA Paper 87-0520 Transonic Wing Optimization Using Evalution Theory Greeg, R.T.;Misegades, K.P.
  13. AIAA Journal v.39 no.6 Sensitivity Analysis of Unsteady Inviscid Flow Througth Turbomachinery Cascades Florea, R.;Hall, K.C.
  14. Journal of Fluids Engineering v.122 Toward Improved Rotor-Only Axial Fans-Part II: Design Sorensen, D.N.;Thompson, M.C.;Sorensen, J.N.
  15. DOT Users Manual Vanderplaats, G.N.;Hansen, S.R.
  16. Journal of Aircraft v.15 Wing Design by Numerical Optimization Hicks, R.M.;Henne, P.A.
  17. AIAA Paper 93~3006 A Technique for the Prediction of Unsteady Incompressible Viscous Flows Park, W.G.;Sankar, L.N.
  18. AIAA Journal v.36 no.3 Numerical Viscous Flow Analysis around a High Speed Train with Crosswind Effects Park, W.G.;Jung, Y.R.;Ha, S.D.
  19. Journal of Computational Physics v.103 Compact Finite Difference Schemes with Spectral-like Resolution Lele, S.K.
  20. Journal of Computational Physics v.38 Automatic-Mesh-Point Clustering Near a Boundary in Grid Generation with Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Steger, J.L.;Sorenson, R.L.

피인용 문헌

  1. Numerical Analysis on Flow Characteristics of Air Starting Motor for Marine Medium-Speed Diesel Engine vol.33, pp.4, 2009,
  2. Investigations of an air starting motor of marine medium-speed diesel engine with numerical analyses vol.19, pp.2, 2010,