한방건강검진 프로그램의 내용과 참가자들의 만족도에 관한 연구

The Study on the Contents and Satisfaction of Oriental Medicine Examination Program

  • 이은경 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원 제3의학과) ;
  • 장두섭 (일본 산업의과대학 산업생태학연구소) ;
  • 송용선 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원 제3의학과) ;
  • 이기남 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원 제3의학과)
  • Lee Eun-Kyoung (Dept. of Third Medicine, Professional Graduate School, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Jahng Doo-Sub (Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational & Environmental Health) ;
  • Song Yung-Sun (Dept. of Third Medicine, Professional Graduate School, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Lee Ki-Nam (Dept. of Third Medicine, Professional Graduate School, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.29


1. As a point at issue of occidental medicine examination, followings have been indicated, 1) Occidental medical examination is performed by mainly test and instrument and therefore, role of doctors could be excluded and it could be diagnosed only for target disease and 2) in Korea, it could not be conducted in public medical system and therefore improvement effect of public health promotion could not be made due to increase of total medical expenses and infirmity of post management. These points are substantial limit of paradigm resided in occidental medicine and also problem caused by unique characteristics of medical system of Korea. In Korea, result of occidental medical examination show increased health risk from aged thirties and major diagnosed diseases are circulatory disease or chronic disease such as hepatic, hyperlipemic, hypertensional disease and diabetes, etc. Accounting that those chronic disease make a role as major public health risk, it is difficult that medical examination by only occidental medicine make effect on public health promotion. 2. Characteristics of oriental medicine examination could be summarized as diagnosis (information acquisition based on the facts) and demonstration (speculation based on acquired information) and in addition, quadruple diagnosis, as a medical examination method, include test as well as basic examination. Accounting on oriental medical examination, principally it is performed by independent herbalist and therefore, herbalist could acquire systemic result during first medical examination. Based on the theory of inner-outer examination, oriental medical examination has a principle of universe theory, systemic analysis of quadruple diagnosis, demonstration & reasoning. In addition, root of oriental medical examination could be found in pre-disease theory, a principal theory of oriental medicine. Pre-disease service could prove the advantage of oriental medicine in medical examination activities and therefore, it is needed that content of oriental medical examination should be actualized in current medical system. 3. In this study, oriental medical examination program, comprised of pulse-diagnosis, contrast muscular taking and medical consultation of herbalist is progressed communally with occidental medical examination. As pre-examination, questionary was given of general characteristics, health promoting life style, physical constitution and subjective symptom of musculoskeletal system. In addition, post-examination notification was given to subjects about health promoting control, physical constitution regimen and management of musculoskeletal system. During this study program, verification was conducted for input of acquired information and difference of each information after analysis and in addition, performed was analysis of factor influencing health promoting life style and musculoskeletal subjective symptom and evaluation of relationship of physical constitution and health promoting life study. In addition, it was verified of difference between musculoskeletal subjective symptom and result of muscle contrast picture evaluation. 4. Evaluation of oriental medical examination model is divided into 2 categories of oriental medical examination-consultation and result evaluation -post management. Oriental medical examination-consultation demands establishment of examination system, standardization of examination and establishment of examination form and in addition, it should be admitted as enlarged examination assists systemic quadruple diagnosis of herbalist not a key of oriental medical examination. In addition, information acquisition for research purpose should be performed according to the systemic research plan based on the separation of questionary for examination purpose and research purpose. For evaluation of the result, it was concluded that needed are result evaluation meets oriental medical system and post-notification system, informing health management information, based on examination result. 5. Accounting on satisfaction for oriental medical examination model, affirmative reply was much higher (66%) than negative (8.64%). Satisfaction of each area was in order of consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking, pulse examination, post-notification and questionary fill-up and dissatisfaction was in order of post-notification, questionary fill-up, consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking and pulse measurement. Satisfaction for collaborative examination of occidental and oriental medicine was over 60% and over 75% hope oriental examination would be included in later medical examination program. Based on this result, collaborative examination including occidental and oriental medicine could increase satisfaction of subjects for medical examination program.



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