작약감초탕(芍藥甘草湯) 및 구성약물(構成藥物)이 기관지평골근(氣管支平滑筋)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Jakyakgamchotang Extract on the Trachea Smooth Muscle

  • 국윤범 (상지대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
  • 이장천 (상지대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실) ;
  • 김희수 (진솔한의원)
  • Kook Yoon-Bum (Department of Oriental Medical Prescription Sang Gi University) ;
  • Lee Jang-Chun (Department of Oriental Medical Prescription Sang Gi University) ;
  • Kim Hee-Soo (Jin Sol Oriental Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.30


The purpose of the present study is to determine the effect of Jakyakgamchotang on histamine or acetylcholine induced tracheal smooth muscle contraction in rats and guinea pigs. Guinea pig(500g, male) and Sprague Dawley rats(250g, male) were killed by $CO_2$ exposure and a segment (4-5mm) of the thoracic trachea from each rat and guinea pig was cut into equal segments and mounted 'in pairs' in a tissue bath. Contractile force was measured with force displacement transducers under 0.5g loading tension. The dose of histamine(His) which evoked 50% of maximal response($ED_{50}$) was obtained from cumulative dose response curves for histamine($10^{-7}{\sim}10^{-4}M$). Contractions evoked by His($ED_{50}$) were inhibited significantly by Jakyakgamchotang. In guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of histamine induced contraction was 90.8% (p〈0.001) after $100{\mu}l/ml$ Jakyakgamchotang. In rat tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of acetylcholine induced contraction was 22.1% (p〈0.05) after $100{\mu}l/ml$ Jakyakgamchotang. Propranolol indomethacin and methylene blue($10^{-7}M$) slightly but significantly attenuated the inhibitory effects of Jakyakgamchotang. These results indicate that Jakyakgamchotang can relax histamine or acetylcholine induced contraction of guinea pig and rat tracheal smooth muscle.



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