- 주後備急方 葛仙翁
- 最新韓方臨床學 裵元植
- 黃連解毒湯 엑기스가 家兎의 體溫 및 血壓에 미치는 影響 鄭遇悅
- 黃連解毒湯煎液이 thioacetamides 毒性으로 인한 代謝 障碍에 미치는 影響에 대한 實驗的 硏究 崔大善
- 黃連解毒湯이 緬羊赤血球에 대한 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 宋昊埈
- 黃連解毒湯 藥針製劑의 安定性 및 效能에 關한 硏究 辛吉祚
- 黃連解毒湯加味方에 대한 免疫 글로블린 E 媒介性 아나필락시의 억제 尹星燦
- 賢과 賢病의 證治 李兆華
- 韓國食品科學會誌 v.29 no.6 k-Casein의 chymosin, pepsin 및 trypsin 및 加水 分解物에 대한 안지오텐신 變煥 酵素 沮害 效果의 探索 오세종;김세현;김상교;백영진;조경현
- 韓國食品科學會誌 v.30 no.6 Chitosan 올리고당의 안지오텐신 轉換酵素 活性抑制 및 SHR에서의 高血壓 抑制 特性 홍상필;김명희;오세욱;한찬규;김용현
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 外臺秘要 王燾
- 劉河間傷漢三六書 劉完素
- 奇效良方 方賢
- 醫方集解 汪認庵
- 東醫心系內科學(上) 李京燮(등)
- 現代 生藥學 生藥學硏究會
- Harrison's 內科學(Ⅱ) Harrison
- 慶熙韓醫大 論文集 v.5 杜鎬京;朴憲在
- 대한한의학회지 v.20 no.1 黃蓮解毒湯과 溫淸飮이 高血壓 및 高脂血證에 미치는 影響 金恩善;朴致相;朴昌國
- 生理學 김종규
- 辨證論治 方藥合編 黃道淵
- Anal. Biochem. v.72 A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Bradford, M.M.
- Hypertension v.7 no.2 An improved flurometric assay of rat serum and plasma converting enzyme Santos, R.A.;Krieger, E.M.;Greene, L.J.
- 전정판 腎臟學 서울대학교 의과대학
Pflugers Arch.
The localization of the
$\Na^{+}-K^{+}$ -ATPase in the cells of rat kidney cortex Kinne, R.;Schmitz, J.E.;Kinne, S.E. -
Curr. Probl. Clin. Biochem.
$\Na^{+}$ ,$\K^{+}$ -ATPase in the rat nephron related to sodium transport: result with quantitative histochemistry Schmidt, U.;Dubach, U.C. - 人體生理學 김광진;김창주;김형진;박사훈
- J. Biol. Chem. v.269 Na, K-ATPase Lingrel, J.B.;Kuntzweiler, T.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.263 Tisue-specific and developmental regulation of rat Na, K-ATPase catalytic alpha isoform and beta subunit mRNAs Orlowski, J.;Lingrel, J.B.
Am. J. Physiol.
High-salt diet upregulates activity and mRNA of renal
$\Na^{+}-K^{+}$ -ATPase in Dahl salt-sensitive rats Nishi, A.;Celsi, G.;Aperia, A. - Hypertension v.28 Renal Na, K-ATPase in genetic hypertension Ferrandi, M.;Tripodi, G.;Salardi, S.;Florio, M.;Modica, R.;Barassi, P.;Parenti, P.;Shainskaya, A.;Karlish, S.;Bianchi, G.;Ferrari, P.
- Am. J. Hypertension v.10 Renal sodium pump regulation in deoxycorticosterone salt hypertension in the rat Soszynski, P.A.;Tao, Q.F.;Krep, H.H.;Hollenberg, N.K.;Graves, S.W.
Pharmacological Research
Upregulation of Renal
$\Na^{+}-K^{+}$ -ATPase in the L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats Kang, D.G.;Kim, J.W.;Lee, J.U. - Kidney Int. v.57 no.4 Diminished adenylate cyclase activity and aquaporin 2 expression in acute renal failure rats Kim, S.W.;Jeon, Y.S.;Lee, J.U.;Kang, D.G.;Kook, H.;Ahn, K.Y.;Kim, S.Z.;Cho, K.W.;Kim, N.H.;Han, J.S.;Choi, K.C.
- J. Clin. Invest. v.99 no.7 Upregulation of auqaporin-2 water channel expression in chronic heart failure rat Xu, D.L.;P.Y Martin;M. Ohara;J. St John;T. Pattison;X. Meng;K. Morris;J.K. Kim;R.W. Schrier
- Kidney Int. v.53 Impaired auaporin and urea transporter expression in rats with adriamicine-induced nephrotic syndrome Fernadez-llama, P.;Andrews, P.;Nielsen, S.;Ecelbarger, C.A.;Knepper, M.A.
- J. Clin. Invest v.102 no.1 An aquaporin-2 water channel mutant which causes autosomal dominant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is retained in the Golgi complex Mulders, S.M.;Bichet, D.G.;Rijss, J.P.;Kamsteeg, E.J.;Arthus, M.F.;Longergan, M.;Fujiwara, M.;Morgan, K.;Leijendekker, R.;van der Sluijs, P.;van Os C.H.;Deen, P.M.
- Am. J. Physiol. v.277 no.3 Reduced adundance of aquaporins in rats with bilateral ischemiainduced acute renal failure: prevention by alpha-MSH Kwon, T.H.;Frokiaer, J.;Fernandez-Llama, P.;Knepper, M.A.;Nielsen, S.
- Clin. Exp. Hypertens. v.22 no.5 Increased expression and shuttling of aquaporin-2 water channels in the kidney in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats Lee, J.U.;Kang, D.G.;Kim, Y.J.
- Annu. Rev. Biochem. v.45 Angiotensin-converting enzyme and the regulation of vasoactive peptides Soffer, R.L.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.20 no.7 Bradykinin potentiating peptide PCA-Lys-Trp-Ala-Pro. An inhibitor of the pulmonary inactivation of bradykinin and conversion of angiotensinⅠto II Stewart, J.M.;Ferreira, S.H.;Greene, L.J.
- Kor. J. Pharmacog. v.12 no.1 Screning of Plant Materials for the inhibitory activities against angiotensin cinverting enzyme Yun, H.S.;Chung, S.H.;Han, B.H.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.32 no.9 Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme in crude drugsⅠ Inokuchi, J.;Okabe, H.;Yamauchi, T.;Nagamatsu, A.
- Life Sciences v.38 Antihypertensive substance in seeds of Areca catechu L Inokuchi, J.;Okabe, H.;Yamauchi, T.;Nagamatsu, A.;Nonaka, G.;Nishioka, I.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.60 Ethmomedical information and in vitro screening for angiotensin-convertiong enzyme inhibition of plants utilized as traditional medicines in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Kerala Nyman, U.;Joshi, P.;Madsen, L.B.;Pederses, T.B.;Pinstrup, M.;Rajasekharan, S.;George, V.;Pushpangadan, P.
- J. Etrhnopharmacol. v.58 Plants from reunion island with allefed antihypertensive and diuretic effects-an experimental and ethnobotanical evaluation Adsersen, A.;Adsersen, H.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.68 Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitiors Duncan, A.C.;Jager, A.K.;van Stan, J.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.48 In vitro screening of traditional medicines for anti-hypertensive effects based on inhibition of the angiotensin converting enzyme Hansen, K.;Nymann, U.;Smitt, U.W.;Adersen, A.;Gudiksen, L.;Rajasekharan, S.;Pushpangadan, P.
- J. Natl. Prod. v.51 Chemical and pharmceutical suudies on medicinal plants in Paraguay;Geraniin: an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor from 'Paraparai mi', Phyllanthanthus niruri Uneo, H.;Horie, S.;Nishi, Y.;Shogawa, H.;Kawasaki, M.;Suzuki, S.;Hayashi, T.;Arisawa, M.;Shimizu, M.;Yoshizaki, M.;Mirita, N.
- Planta. Med. v.58 ACE-inhibitory procyanidins from Lesoedeza capitata Wagner, H.;Elbl, G.
- Pharmaceutical Pharmacol. Lett v.1 Evaluation of natural products as inhibitors of angiotensin I-convertion enzyme(ACE) Wagner, H.;Elbl, G.;Lotter, H.;Guinea, M.
- 한국식품과학회지 v.25 no.3 한국산 녹차로 부터 분리한 Flavan-3-ol 化合物의 angiotensin converting enzyme 沮害 效果 조영재;안봉천;최청
- J. Natl. Prod. v.50 no.4 Inhibitory effects of various flavonoids isolated from leaves of persimon on angiotensin-converting enzyme activity Kamaeda, K.;Takaku, T.;Okuda, H.;Kimura, Y.;Okuda, T.;Hatano, T.
- J. Natl. Prod. v.55 no.5 Inhibition of angiotensin-Ⅰ-converting enzyme by tetrahydroxyxanthones isolated from Tripterospermum lanceolatum Chen, C.H.;Lin, J.Y.
- Shoyakugaku Zassi v.41 Studies on the crude drug containing the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors I. On the active principles of Lycium chinense Muller Morota, T.;Sasaki, H.;Chin, M.;Sato, T.;Katayama, N.;Fukuyama, K.;Mitsuhashi, H.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.34 no.7 Angiotensin cinverting enzyme-inhibitory triterpenes from Gaboderma lucidum Morigiwa, A.;Kitabatake, K.;Fujimoto, Y.;Ikekawa, N.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.22 no.2 韓藥材들의 안지오텐신 轉換酸素 抑制劑 作用의 檢索 강대길;오현철;손은진;권태오;이호섭