장애인 실업의 원인 : 생산성 또는 차별?

Causes of high unemployment among the people with disabilities : productivity, or discrimination?

  • 발행 : 2002.02.28


The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically the causes of high unemployment among the people with disabilities, focused on productivity and discrimination. In order to pursue such goal this study adopts human capital theory, screening theory, job contest theory, taste theory and statistical discrimination theory as theoretical background. The major findings are: (1) Among the human capital variables Education degree and job training are not statistically significant on employment. Only degree of activity limit has significant effect. (2) Among the discrimination related variables only discrimination experiences variable has negative effect on employment. (3) Between degree of activity limit and discrimination experiences, both have similar effect on employment. But the degree of activity limit can be thought as discrimination related element. Because' not giving resonable accommodation' is regarded discrimination in ADA or DDA. These mean that it is important for society to compel the employment of the disabled and to put focus on eliminating prejudice rather than accomplishing education and job training programs to improve the employment of the disabled. In order to accomplish this it is necessary to increase the levy for disabled persons' employment promotion of the disabled persons' employment promotion act and to establish the disability discrimination act. Also, integrated education starting from infancy is necessary. Education system should be changed, and Job training must focused on industry which demand more labor force.
