하악지시상분할골절단술 시행 후 von-Miese 항복강도에 대한 유한요소법적 연구


  • 윤옥병 (포항기독병원 치과 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 김여갑 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학 교실)
  • Yoon, Ok-Byung (Dept. of Oral & Maxillafacial Surgery, Pohang Christianity Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Yeo-Gab (Dept. of Oral & Maxillafacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.30


For the study of its stability when the screw has been fixed after sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO) of the mandible, the methods of screw arrangement are classified into two types, triangular and straight. The angles of screws to the bone surface are classified as perpendicular arrangements, the $60^{\circ}$ anterioinferior screw, known as triangular, and the most posterior screw, called straight arrangement, thus there are four types. The finite element method model has been made by using a three dimensional calculator and a supercomputer. The load directions are to the anterior teeth, premolar region, and molar region, and the bite force is 1 Kgf to each region. The distribution of stress, the von-Mises yield strength, and safety of margin refer to the total sum of transformed energy have been studied by comparison with each other. The following conclusion has been researched : 1. When shear stress is compared, in the triangular arrangement in the form of "ㄱ", the anterosuperior screw is seen at contributing to the support of the bone fragment. In the straight arrangement, substantial stress is seen to be concentrated on the most posterior angled screw. 2. When the von-Mises yield strength is compared, it seemed that the stress concentration on the angled anteroinferior screw is higher, it shows a higher possibility of fracture than any other screw. In the straight arrangement, stress appeared to be concentrated on the most posteriorly angled screw. 3. When the safety margins of the transfomed energy are compared, the energy conduction is much greater in the case of the angled screw than in the case of the perpendicular screw. The triangular arrangement in the form of "ㄱ" shows a superior clinical sign to that of the straight arrangement. Judging from the above results, when the screw fixation is made after SSRO in practical clinical cases, two screws should be inserted in the superior border of mandibular ramus and a third screw of mandibular inferior border should be inserted in the form of triangular. All screws on the bony surface should be placed perpendicularly-$90^{\circ}$ angles apparently best promote bony support and stability.



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