갑상선기능저하증 환자 一例에 관한 臨床報告

The one case of Hypothroidism patient

  • 박수연 (동신대학교 한의과대학 외관과교실) ;
  • 김홍진 (동신대학교 한의과대학 외관과교실) ;
  • 김종한 (동신대학교 한의과대학 외관과교실) ;
  • 최정화 (동신대학교 한의과대학 외관과교실)
  • 발행 : 20011200


I researched clinically one patient with Hypothyroidism who was hospitalized in DongShin Univ Shunchun Oriental Hosp. from the 4th, November, 2000 to the 13th, December, 2000. The results were obtained as follows. 1. Hypothyroidism corresponds to edema of instep (浮腫), consumption (虛勞), infantile retardation of walking (行遲), retardation in speech (語遲), inactivity of Yang-Qi(결양증). It is caused to deficiency of both Qi and blood (氣血兩虛), insufficiency of Yang of the spleen and kidneys (脾腎陽虛), decline of the fire from the vital gate (命門火衰), deficiency of yang of the heart and kidneys (心腎陽虛) 2. In internal medication, it was thought that Yi qi bu xue tang(益氣補血湯). Shao yin ren Bu zhong yi qi tang(少陰人補中益氣湯), Jia wei ta bu tang (加味大補湯) were effective. 3. In acupunture therapy, zu san li(足三里), san yin jiao(三陰交), Ren ying (人迎), Fu tu (扶突), Tian tu(天突) were used frequently and in moxibustion therapy. qi hai(氣海), zhong wan(中脘). Guan yun(關元) were used for Hypothyroidism.
