전자상거래에서의 인증 알고리즘에 관한 연구

A Study of Authentication Algorithm in Electronic Commerce

  • 김영선 (대림대학 경영정보계열)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


Partial transactions which use computer networks are formed in the cyberspace due to rapid progress of communication and computer technology. Electronic business transactions have security problems according to the special quality of opening networks, while it can be approached easily by anyone without being tied to time and places through Internets. To revitalize the electronic business transactions, security technology which can establish its security and trust is the prior task and both safe information communication and better information security service offer are essential factors. The method to exchange information through Internets must be made after confirming one another's exact connection in the mutual identity certification to prevent a lot of threat which can occur in the use of password techniques. To satisfy these electronic business transactions, we intend to increase understanding of authentication algorithm provided with authentication function of messages and users as well to plan safety and trust of business information and contents in the electronic business transactions.
