Utilization Pattern and Percept ion and Attitude of Rural Residents towards Primary Health Post

관할지역 주민의 보건진료소에 대한 태도와 이용양상

  • Park, Chun-Na (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Yong (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Han, Chang-Hyun (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.30


In order to ascertain the utilization patterns and Perception and attitudes of Primary Health Post(PHP) by rural residents in farm areas, a survey was conducted of 753 households(1,803 persons) in 24 PHPs in Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk- do, from December 10, 2000 to January 15, 2001. The morbidly rate of acute illnesses for last two weeks for all households was 29.6%, and the rate of use of medical facilities to treat acute illness was 98.3%. The morbidly rate was highest between the ages of 60 and 69, with a rate of 35.4%. The higher their ages and the lower their educational levels were, the higher the morbidly rate was. The morbidly rate of chronic illnesses for one year for all households was 19.2%, and the rate of use of medical facilities to treat chronic illness was 92.8%. The elderly over 70 years old had the highest morbidly rate of 37.2%. The higher their ages and the lower their educational levels were, the higher the chronic illnesses rate was. For the rate of use of medical facilities to treat acute diseases, the use of PHPs was 89.5%, accounting for the majority of the time. However, for chronic diseases, hospitals and clinics were used more often, with a rate of 48.9%, compared to the use of PHPs, 40.2%. Their previous experiences on the use of PHPs one year before the survey showed that 94.8% used PHPs, 72.2% just visited them, not for the purpose of getting any medical assistance, and 73.3% received health education from PHPs. 98.5% remembered the locations of PHPs, 98.6% thought that PHPs were helpful for their health management, and 84.3% said that PHPs were playing great roles in development of their communities. 97.4% said that they found PHPs necessary. They understood the main job of PHPs as in the order of disease treatment, vaccination and health counseling. The work that they mostly wanted PHPs to do was health counseling and health management, which 31.6% answered. 88.9% said the examination fee was not expensive, 98.4% said CHPs were kind, and 97.0% said they were satisfied with the services at PHPs. Complaints about PHPs included a lack of a variety of medications, said by 42.9%, and poor facilities, by 15.8%. According to the above results, it is concluded that local residents on survey were frequently using PHPs due to their geographical and economical conditions. Also, the residents appeared to be satisfied with the services at PHPs, and they had a high demand for public health service as well as disease treatment. Considering the complaints about medications and medical facilities and equipment, active supports are required to manage PHPs in a way it can provide desirable services to the residents in remote villages through the readjustment of PHPs' functions, reinforcement of facilities and equipment and enhancement of CHPs ' training.

보건진료소 관할지역주민들의 보건진료소에 대한 이용양상과 인식도를 파악하기 위하여 2000년 12월 10일부터 2001년 1월15일까지 경상북도 상주시 지역 24개 보건진료소 관할지역 753가구(가구원 1,803명)에 대해 설문조사를 실시하였다. 전체가구원의 지난 2주간의 급성질환 이환율은 29.6%이었으며 이들의 의료기관 이용률은 98.3% 이었다. 연령별로는 60-69세가 35.4%로 가장 높았는데 연령이 높을수록, 학력이 낮을수록 이환율이 높았다. 전체 가구원의 1년간 만성질환 이환율은 19.2%이었으며 이들의 의료기관 이용률은 92.8% 이었다. 만성질환 이환율은 70세 이상에서 37.2%로 가장 높았고, 연령이 높을수록, 학력이 낮을수록 유의하게 높았다. 급성질환시 의료이용은 보건진료소 이용이 89.5%로 대부분을 차지하였으며, 만성질환시에는 보건진료소 이용이 40.2%이었고 병 의원 이용이 48.9%이었다. 조사시점 이전 1년간의 보건진료소 이용 경험률은 94.8%이었고 진료목적 이외 방문 경험률은 72.2%이었으며, 73.3%의 응답자가 보건교육을 받은 경험이 있었다고 하였다. 응답자의 98.5%가 보건진료소의 위치를 알고 있었고, 건강관리에 도움이 된다는 인식이 98.6%, 지역발전과의 관련성에는 84.3%가 큰 역할을 수행한다고 하였으며, 보건진료소의 필요성에 대해서는 97.4%가 필요하다고 응답하였다. 보건진료소의 주된 업무는 질병치료, 예방접종, 건강상담 순으로 인식하였으며 보건진료소가 중점적으로 시행해주기를 원하는 업무는 주민건강상담 및 관리가 31.6%로 가장 높았다. 보건진료소 진료비에 대해서는 88.9%가 싸다고 하였고, 보건진료원의 친절도는 98.4%가 친절하다고 하였으며 서비스 만족도도 97.0%로 매우 높았다. 보건진료소에 대한 불만사항은 약의 종류가 부족하다가 42.9%로 가장 높았고 시설이 좋지않다가 15.8%이었다. 조사대상 지역주민들은 지리적 여건과 경제적 여건에 의해 보건진료소를 많이 이용하고 있었으며 보건진료소에 대한 주민들의 만족도도 높았고 필요성도 절감하고 있었다. 그리고 질병치료업무 이외의 보건사업에 대한 요구도 많았고 의약품과 의료시설 및 장비에 대한 불만이 큰 점을 감안하여 보건진료소를 계속적으로 유지 운영하되 보건진료소의 기능의 재정비, 시설 장비의 보강, 그리고 보건진료원의 교육훈련강화를 통해 벽오지 주민에게 바람직한 의료서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 적극 지원해야 할 것이다.
