농촌 중년여성의 건강행위와 관련요인

Middle-aged Women's Health Behavior and Its related Factors in Rural Area

  • Kim, Kwi-Jin (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Yong (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Han, Chang-Hyun (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.30


농촌지역 중년여성의 건강행위와 이에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아보기 위해 경상북도 예천군의 4개 보건진료소 담당지역에 거주하고 있는 40-64세 사이 여성 468명을 대상으로 2000년 3월 1일부터 3월 31일까지 조사하였다. 대상자들의 본인건강에 대한 관심도는 17.5%가 높다고 하였고 만성질환이 있는 경우가 없는 경우보다 관심도가 높았다. 그리고 핵가족이 대가족보다, 개방적 가족분위기에서 본인건강에 대한 관심도가 높았다. 본인건강에 대한 가족의 관심도는 15.4%가 높다고 하였는데, 교육정도가 높을수록 높았고 개방적 가족분위기에서 유의하게 높았다. 자기효능점수는 최대 평점 68점 중, 대상자들의 평균점수는 49.90점이었고 종교, 학력, 배우자 동거유무, 경제상태, 본인의 건강관심도와 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 가족형태, 가족분위기, 자신건강에 대한 가족들의 관심도도 자기효능의 유의한 영향변수였다. 가족기능점수는 최대 평점 10점에 평균 5.51점으로 연령, 학력, 직업, 경제상태, 본인의 건강관심도에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었고, 가족분위기 및 자신건강에 대한 가족의 관심도에 따라 가족기능점수에 유의한 차이를 보였다. 건강행위 실천율은 비흡연율 89.5%, 비음주율 63.0%, 운동실천율 6.6%, 정상수면율 75.6%, 아침식사율 91.7%, 비간식율 18.2%, 표준BMI 69.2%였다. 건강행위빈도는 Breslow Index가 0-3점이 4.5%, 4-5점이 53.2%, 6-7점이 42.3%였고, 건강행위 점수는 최대 평점 7점에 평균 5.20이었는데, 배우자동거유무, 경제상태, 만성질환유무, 그리고 가족분위기가 유의한 변수였다. 건강행위를 종속변수로 한 다중회귀분석 결과 건강행위는 배우자동거유무, 경제상태, 가족분위기가 유의한 영향변수였으며, 배우자가 없는 경우, 경제상태가 좋을수록, 가족분위기가 개방적일수록 건강행위를 잘 하고 있었다. 자기효능이 높을수록, 가족기능이 낮을수록 건강행위를 잘 했으나 유의한 변수는 아니었다. 본 연구에서 사용한 건강행위측정도구는 외국에서 개발된 도구이므로 앞으로는 우리나라 사람에게 알맞은 표준화된 측정도구를 개발하여 반복 연구해 볼 필요가 있다. 그리고, 농촌 여성들을 대상으로 하는 지역사회 보건사업에 있어, 모든 대상자들에게 일률적으로 같은 건강증진 프로그램을 제공할 것이 아니라 먼저 개개인건강행위를 파악하고 배우자동거유무, 경제상태 및 가족분위기 등을 파악하여 건강증진 프로그램을 마련해야 할 것으로 생각된다.

This study was conducted to identify the health behavior of middle-aged rural women and the factors that have an effect on them. For the purpose of the study, examinations were made from March 01, 2000 to March 31, 2000 with 468 women aged 40 to 64 out of 2,263 people whom four Primary Health Posts located in Yechon County, Kyongsangbuk-do Province, are in charge of. The results are summarized as follows. 17.5% of the subjects responded that the extent of their own interest in health were high. For the subjects having a chronic disease, a nuclear family, or an open family atmosphere, the extent appeared to be relatively higher, 15.4% responded that the extent of family's interest in their health was high. It was significantly high if the extent of education was high or if the family atmosphere was open. The subjects' average score of self-efficacy was 49.9 out of 68. The score significantly varied depending on religion, education, living together with a spouse or not, and the extent of the subjects' interest in health. The family pattern, family atmosphere, family's interest in the subjects' health were the variables that significantly influenced the self-efficacy. The average score of family function was 5.51 out of 10. The score significantly varies depending on age, education, occupation, financial status, the extent of the subjects' own interest in health, family atmosphere and family's interest in the subjects' health. In the practice of health behavior, the nonsmoking rate was 89.5%, the nondrinking rate 63.0%, the rate of exercising practice 6.6%, the rate of normal sleeping 75.6%, the rate of eating breakfast 91.7%, the rate of not eating between meals 18.2%, and the standard BMI 69.2%. In the frequency of health behavior, the subjects with the Breslow Index of 0-3, 4-5 and 6-7 accounted for 4.5%, 53.2%, and 42.3%, respectively. The average score of health behavior was 5.20 out of 7, in which significant variables were living together with a spouse or not, financial status, absence or presence of a chronic disease, and family atmosphere. In the multiple regression analysis with health behavior as a dependent variable, it was shown that living together with a spouse or not, financial status, and family atmosphere were the significantly substantial variables. The subjects were found to do health behavior well if they had not a spouse, a good financial status, or an open family atmosphere. They were also found to do health behavior well if the extent of self-efficacy was high or if the extent of family function was low, but these were not the significant variables. It is needed to develop a standard measuring tool fit for our environment and perform more studies in the future because the measuring tool used in this study was a tool developed in a foreign county. In promoting community health projects, it is required not to provide all community people with a uniform health program but to identify the health behavior of individuals and other variables such as living together with a spouse or not, financial status and family atmosphere before arranging for a proper health program.
