A Study for a Capacitated Facility Location Problem on a Tree Structured Network

나무구조를 갖는 네트워크상에서의 제한용량이 있는 입지설정문제에 관한 연구

  • Cho, Geon (School of Business Administration, Chonnam National University)
  • 조건 (전남대학교 경영학부)
  • Received : 20010100
  • Accepted : 20010500
  • Published : 2001.09.30


Given a tree structured network in which each node has its own demand and also stands for a candidate location of a potential facility, such as plant or warehouse, a capacitated facility location problem on the network (CFLPOT) is to decide capacitated facility locations so that the total demand occurred on the network can be satisfied from those facilities with the minimum cost. In this paper, we first introduce a mixed integer programming formulation for CFLPOT with two additional assumptions, the indivisible demand assumption and the contiguity assumption and then show that it can be reformulated as a tree partitioning problem with an exponential number of variables. We then show that it can be solved in O($n^2b$) time by utilizing the limited column generation method developed by Shaw (1993), where n is the total number of nodes in the network and b is the maximum facility capacity. We also develop a depth-first dynamic programming algorithm with a running time of O(nb) for finding the locally maximal reduced cost which plays an important role in the limited column generation method. Finally, we implement our algorithms on a set of randomly generated problems and report the computational results.
