목방기약침(木防己藥鍼)이 관절염(關節炎)에 미치는 영향(影響)

A Study on the Effect of Aqua-acupuncture with Stephania Tetrandra solution on Arthritis

  • 이연경 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 이병렬 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Lee, Yeun-kyung (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Lee, Byung-ryul (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine Dae-Jeon University)
  • 투고 : 2001.07.02
  • 심사 : 2001.07.21
  • 발행 : 2001.08.20


Objective : The purpose of this study is to observe the effect of Aqua-acupuncture with Stephania Tetrandra Solution (ST-AS) on arthritis. Methods : The author performde several experimental items : that isgene expression and secretion of IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$, MMP-2, production of ROS, paw thickness, DTH, weight of spleen, expression of CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ in the spleen, production of IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$, examination of histology. Results : The obstain results are summarized as follows. 1. IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ gene expression of hFLS were significantly inhibited in treatmentgroup, and gene expression of MMP-2 was not inhibited in treatmentgroup. 2. The secretion amount of IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ were significantly inhibited in treatmentgroup. 3. Expression of P-38 MAP kinase and production of ROS were inhibited in treatmentgroup. 4. Treatmentgroup were significantly inhibited the incidence of arthritis, hind paw edema, the index of arthritis and DTH of CIA (collagen II-induced arthritis) mice. 5. Treatmentgroup were significantly decreased splenetic weight and the number of CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ activated cells and secretion aroout of IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ of CIA (collagen II-induced arthritis) mice.. 6. Treatmentgroup were expressed form of new bone, synoviumin, new margine in histology imperison to controlgroup. Conclusions : Taking all these observations into account, ST-AS injection is considered to be effective in treating arthritis and put to practical use in future arthritis clinic.



  1. 實用鍼灸內科學 崔述貴
  2. 痺證 權宰植
  3. 法療要籃 金定濟
  4. 增補韓方臨床40年 朴炳昆
  5. 最新韓方臨床學 裵元植
  6. 精解鍼灸學 崔容泰
  7. 證治彙補 李用粹
  8. 醫林改錯 王淸任
  9. 內科學(上) 上海中醫學院
  10. 現代生藥學 生藥學硏究會
  11. 實用中醫內科學 黃文東
  12. 常見病症辨症診治槪要 白洪龍
  13. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  14. 申氏本草學 申佶求
  15. 鍼灸學(上,下) 崔容泰
  16. 鍼灸集錦 鄭魁山
  17. 鍼灸學簡編 中醫硏究院
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  35. 東醫物理療法科學 林準圭
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