Journal of Industrial Technology (산업기술연구)
- Volume 21 Issue B
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- Pages.59-66
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- 2001
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- 1229-9588(pISSN)
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- 1598-1371(eISSN)
A New Overmodulation Method to Extend Linearity Region of a PWM Inverter
PWM 인버터에서 선형영역 확장을 위한 새로운 과변조 기법
- Published : 2001.12.31
In this paper, a novel overmodulation strategy for PWM inverters to extend linearity region is presented. The proposed strategy uses the concept of space-vector PWM(SVPWM) based on the zero sequence signal(offset voltage) injection principle. So, by modifying the pole voltage simply, the linear control of inverter output voltage over the whole overmodulation range can be achieved easily. The proposed strategy is so simple that its practical implementation is easy. The validity of the proposed strategy is confirmed by the experimental results.