Spontaneous ophthalmic diseases of Beagles in Korea

국내 Beagle견의 안과질환

  • Kim, Bong-kyeong (Dept. of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
  • Yun, Young-min (Dept. of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
  • Seong, Je-kyung (Dept. of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Medical Research Center, College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
  • Seo, Kang-moon (Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University)
  • 김봉경 (연세대학교 의과대학 임상의학연구센터 실험동물부) ;
  • 윤영민 (연세대학교 의과대학 임상의학연구센터 실험동물부) ;
  • 성제경 (연세대학교 의과대학 임상의학연구센터 실험동물부) ;
  • 서강문 (강원대학교 수의학과)
  • Accepted : 2000.12.08
  • Published : 2001.03.20


Beagle is one of the most popular laboratory animal in a dog. We investigated the incidence of spontaneous ophthalmic disease in Beagles in order to make basic data for quality control of Beagles in Korea. We surveyed 389 beagles from 3 different farms. The average prevalence rate of ophthalmic diseases was 19.3%. The prevalence rate of cataracts was higher than any other ophthalmic diseases, 7.5% and then in order of corneal scar(2.1%), retinal hemorrhage(1.5%), post-inflammatory retinal change(1.5%), cherry eye(1.0%), distichiasis(0.8%), entropion(0.8%), hypoplastic optic disc(0.8%), conjunctivitis(0.5%), retinal dysplasia(0.5%), asteroid hyalosis(0.3%), congenital eye anomaly(0.3%), corneal lipidosis(0.3%), conjunctival hemorrhage(0.3%), lens capsule pigmentation(0.3%), persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (0.3%), posterior synechia(0.3%), eyelid tumor(0.3%) and uveal cyst(0.3%) were diagnosed. There was a slight difference between male(24.8%) and female(17.4%) in prevalence rate of ophthalmic disease. The incidence of spontaneous ophthalmic disease was increased with age. These data would be useful for using Beagles as laboratory animals and standard reference for quality control of dogs.
