친환경적 도시건축계획을 위한 환경계획지표개발의 방향

Development Guidelines of Environmental planning Indicators for Environmentally friendly Urban and Architectural Planning

  • 발행 : 2001.12.27


Through the harmony of natural and artificial systems a city is composed of, the ecology-oriented urban planning seeks for qualitative improvements of a city on which our life is based. To enhance the ecology-oriented urban planning, the followings are suggested by a comparative analysis of Korea with Germany regarding the development process, the instruments, and the establishment of indicators for the planning. Firstly, though our national land development plan is closely connected with B-plan, it has little to do with the natural environment. Moreover, the natural environment plan of the Ministry of Environment is almost impossible to carry out in terms of urban construction work. For this reason, the instrument for dealing with the development and environment plan systems together as well as the completion of the current plan system is needed for the ecologically acceptable urban development in the long term. Secondly, in order to realize what is mentioned above in the concrete it seems to be desirable for the system and the instrument to be devised at the extent of B-plan. The regulations of the plan should have strong legal binding force and practicality as well. The element of ecology-oriented urban planning are (1) degree of independence and appropriate density, (2) conservation of natural elements such as soil, water, animals and plants etc., (3) energy saving in land use, (4) activation of B-plan and inducement of active participation of residents. Thirdly, it will be useful to develop various kinds of indicators for the environment plan provided in advance so that the ecology-oriented urban developments may be under control. It also should be taken into consideration that the indicators are supposed to be comprehensive, representative, and practical enough to make the most of at the early stage of drawing up a plan. The kinds of indicators which can be used in the ecology-oriented urban development include (1) soil, (2) water, (3) vegetation and plants, (4) animals, (5) climate, and (6) transportation.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 청운대학교