Application of Indoor Air Modelling for Using Health Risk Assessment in Environmental Impact Assessment

환경영향평가에서 건강위해성평가 기법을 이용하기 위한 실내공기 모델링 적용

  • Yang, Won-Ho (E&B KOREA CO., LTD.) ;
  • Son, Bu-Soon (Department of Environmental Health, Soonchunhyang University) ;
  • Park, Jong-An (Department of Environmental Health, Soonchunhyang University) ;
  • Kim, Im-Soon (Asia Pacific Environment & Management Institute) ;
  • Han, Sang-Wook (Asia Pacific Environment & Management Institute)
  • Published : 2001.09.30


Recognizing interaction between the environment and humans, the EIA(environmental impact assessment) movement has sought to promote more environmentally sound and informed decisions for the sake of human welfare. Therefore, most EIA programs require the consideration of human health impacts. Yet relatively few EIA documents adequately address those impacts. This study was carried out to investigate the role of EIA for reuniting the environment and human health, for preventing and reducing significant health risks, and for improving human health impact assessment by means of risk assessment. Risk assessment consists of 4 components; hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterization. Since most people spent their times in indoor, indoor air quality modelling can be used in exposure assessment and risk assessment. In this study, indoor $NO_2$ concentration and personal $NO_2$ exposure were estimated by Box Model using mass balance equation and time weighted average, respectively. The estimated indoor $NO_2$ concentration and the personal $NO_2$ exposure were compared by those measured, respectively. Subsequntly, health effect was assessed with these results. Consequently, exposure assessment and risk assessment using indoor air quality model may be considered to be applicable to EIA.
