FRP or steel plate-to-concrete bonded joints: Effect of test methods on experimental bond strength

  • Chen, J.F. (School of the Built Environment, Nottingham University) ;
  • Yang, Z.J. (Built Environment Research Unit, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Wolverhampton University) ;
  • Holt, G.D. (Built Environment Research Unit, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Wolverhampton University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.25


The strengthening of reinforced concrete structures using externally bonded steel or advanced fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) composites is becoming increasingly common. A key factor affecting the behaviour and reliability of such strengthened structures is the bond strength between the steel or FRP plate and the concrete substrate. Several different experimental set-ups have previously been used to determine bond strength. This paper presents a careful finite element analysis of the stress distributions in these test set-ups. Results show that stress distributions can be significantly different for different set-ups, for similar materials and geometry.



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