Structural identification of a steel frame from dynamic test-data

  • Morassi, A. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Udine)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.25


Structural identification via modal analysis in structural mechanics is gaining popularity in recent years, despite conceptual difficulties connected with its use. This paper is devoted to illustrate both the capabilities and the indeterminacy characterizing structural identification problems even in quite simple instances, as well as the cautions that should be accordingly adopted. In particular, we discuss an application of an identification technique of variational type, based on the measurement of eigenfrequencies and mode shapes, to a steel frame with friction joints under various assembling conditions. Experience has suggested, so as to restrict the indeterminacy frequently affecting identification issues, having resort to all the a priori acknowledged information on the system, to the symmetry and presence of structural elements with equal stiffness, to mention one example, and mindfully selecting the parameters to be identified. In addition, considering that the identification techniques have a local character and correspond to the updating of a preliminary model of the structure, it is important that the analytical model on the first attempt should be adequately accurate. Secondly, it has proved determinant to cross the results of the dynamic identification with tests of other typology, for instance, static tests, so as to fully understand the structural behavior and avoid the indeterminacy due to the nonuniqueness of the inverse problem.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Damage identification in Euler frames vol.92-93, 2012,