- 이학석사 학위논문 지리산 동부지역에 분포하는 챠노가이트의 암석학, 지구화학 및 지구연대학 김동연
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- 괴목도폭 지질보고서 유환수;김용준;박배영
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- Chemical Geology v.48 Petrogenetic interpretation of granitoid rock series using multicationic parameters Batchelor, R.A.;Bowden, P.
- Chemical Geology v.85 Parallels in the orgin of the geochemical signatures of island arc volcanics and continental potassic igneous rocks: the role of residual titanites Foly, S.F.;Wheller, G.E.
- Collision tectonics v.19 Geochemical characteristics of collision-zone magmatism Harris, N.B.W.;Pearce, J.A.;Tindle, A.G.;Coward, M.P.(ed.);Reis, A.C.(ed.)
- Journal of the Geological Society of Australia v.25 Contrast between I-and S-type granitoids of the Kosciusko batholith Hine, R.;Williams, I.S.;Chappell, B.W.;White, A.J.R.
- Trace elements in igneous petrology The application of trace elements to the petrogenesis of igneous rocks of granitic composition Henderson, G.M.;Allegre, C.J.(ed.);Hart, S.R.(ed.)
- Elsevier Science Pub, Co. Inc. Rare Earth Element Geochemistry Henderson, P.
- Canadian Journal of Earth Science v.8 A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks Irvine, T.N.;Baragar, W.R.A.
- Basalt: The Poldervaart treatise on rocks of basaltic composition, 2 Differentiation of basalt magmas Kuno, H.;Hess, H.H(ed.).;Poldervaart, A.(ed.)
- Priniciples of Geochemistry Mason, B;Moore, C.B.
- Journal of Petrology v.25 Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks Pearce, J.A.;Harris, N.B.W.;Tindle, A.G.
- Using Geochemical data:evaluation, presentation, interpretation Rollinson, H.
- Physics and chemistry of the Earth v.6 The applocation of trace Elements data to problems petrology Taylor, S.R.
- Geochemical Journal v.30 U-Pb zircon for Precambrian rocks in southwestern Ryeongnam and southwestern Gyeonggi massif, Korea Turek, A.;Kim, C.
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters v.64 Zircon saturation revisited:Temperature and composition effects in a variety of crustal magma types Watson, E.B.;Harrison, T.M.
- Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors v.35 Accessory minerals and the geochemical evolution of crustal magmatic systems: A summary and prospects of experimental approaches Watson, E.B.;Harrison, T.M.
- Igneous Petrogenesis Wilson, M.
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters v.42 Geochemistry of basalts drilled in the North Atlantic by IPOD Leg 49: implication for mantle heterogeneity Wood, D.A.;Tarney, J.;Varet, J.;Saunders, A.D.;Bougault, H.;Joron, J.L.;Treuil, M.;Cann, J.R.