Freshwater Conflicts and Sustainable Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region : Cases of Seoul and Sydney

아시아-태평양 지역의 물 갈등과 지속가능한 정책 : 서울과 시드니의 비교

  • Choi, Byung-Doo (Division of Social Studies, Taegu University) ;
  • Rumley, Dennis (School of Social and Cultural Studies, Univ. of Western Australia) ;
  • Son, Myoung-Won (School of Social Studies, Taegu University) ;
  • Lumley, Sarah (Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Univ. of Western Australia)
  • 최병두 (대구대학교 사범대학 사회교육학부) ;
  • 데이니스넘리 (웨스턴오스트렐리아 대학교 사회문화연구학부) ;
  • 손명원 (대구대학교 사범대학 사회교육학부) ;
  • 사라럼리 (웨스턴오스트렐리아 대학교, 농업 및 자원경제학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.30


The purpose of this paper is to outline a research agenda for the evaluation of the sustainability of freshwater policies, especially as they relate to large cities in the Asia-Pacific region, and to co-work a comparative study on the cases of Seoul and Sydney on the basis of the research agenda. The overall long-tenn aim of the present research is to develop a framework for sustainable urban freshwater policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The nature of freshwater policies for a sample of 16 large cities in the Asia-Pacific region will be critically evaluated for 5 years in the future. For the purposes of this research agenda, four main types of urban water conflict have been evaluated - jurisdictional conflicts, conflicts related to accessibility, sectoral conflicts and environmental conflicts. Of course, in reality, aspects of these four types of conflict invariably overlap. In the case study, the environmental conflict over fresh water of Seoul can be seen as a jurisdictional, sectoral and accessibility-related conflict between the central government and Seoul local government which want to regulate the lan-use with the water conservation zone around the Paldang Dam located at a upstream of the Han River on the hand, and the Yangpyong local governmant and its population within the conservation zone which have struggled against such a regulation, on the other. In the case study on the Sydeny water crisis in 1998, the environmental conflict over fresh water of Sydney in Australia can be seen as a jurisdictional conflict between the State government and the Sydney local government and the corporatized Sydney Water which have been responsible to supply fresh water on the one hand, and the Sydney population who have been suffered from the contaminated water, on the other. Over the past ten years, both globally and in the Asia-Pacific region, including in S. Korea and Australia, the concept of sustainable development has taken on a growing role in the determination of environmental policy. The balance for sustainable policy would be between the requirement to augment water supply to cope with projected future demands and the need to improve efficiency of water use.

이 논문은 특히 아시아-태평양 지역의 대도시들에서 상수원 정책의 지속가능성의 평가를 위한 연구 과제를 개관하고, 이에 근거하여 한국의 서울과 호주의 시드니 지역의 맑은 물 공급을 둘러싼 갈등을 공동 연구한 것이다. 우선, 아시아-태평양지역의 대도시 물 갈등에 관한 연구 과제가 소개될 것이다. 둘째, 도시의 맑은 물을 위한 갈등과 관련된 서술 및 분석을 위한 기본 틀이 제시될 것이다. 셋째, 맑은 물 갈등에 관한 분석틀에 기초하여 시드니 및 서울의 사례가 고찰될 것이다. 넷째, 끝으로 이 지역의 도시에서 맑은 물의 지속가능성을 위한 미래의 정책적 요구 사항들에 관한 예비적 제안들이 제시될 것이다.
