외국의 농촌청소년 개발사업의 현황과 시사점

A Study on the Rural Youth Programs of Foreign Countries

  • 발행 : 2001.12.31


The purposes of this study were to review the rural youth programs of selected foreign countries and to draw some implications to the rural youth programs in Korea. The youth development programs reviewed were 4-H Youth Development Program of U.S.A, Rural Youth Information Service of Australia, Rural Youth Job Strategy of Canada, The Urban-Rural Youth Program of U.S.A, and Expert Consultation on Extension Rural Youth Programmes and Sustainable Development of FAO. After reviewing the rural youth programs of selected foreign countries, the authors suggested the following implications for further development of rural youth programs in Korea; 1. The target group of rural youth programs should include urban youth as well as rural youth, and the programs should be focused on enlarging their awareness of the rural community and agriculture. 2. Rural youth programs should be extended beyond agricultural sectors, such as leadership, career development, leisure activity, and cultural life. 3. We should develop some programs to support academic achievement, career development, employment, cultural needs including some strategies to prevent problematic behaviors of rural youth. 4. Rural youth should be supported more opportunities to join the community life to experience and learn various life skills through active participation such as interpersonal skill, leadership skill, and problem-solving skill.
