Applied Microscopy
- Volume 31 Issue 2
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- Pages.129-141
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- 2001
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- 2287-5123(pISSN)
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- 2287-4445(eISSN)
Spermiogenesis in the Saghalien Pygmy Shrew, Sorex minutus gracillimus
쇠뒤쥐 (Sorex minutus gracillimus)의 정자변태
- Heo, Jin-Chol (Division of Life Sciences , College of Natural Sciences, Kyungnam University) ;
- Lee, Jung-Hun (Division of Life Sciences , College of Natural Sciences, Kyungnam University)
- Published : 2001.06.01
To investigate the spermiogenesis of the Saghalien Pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus gracillimus), the testis obtained from mature male shrew was studied by electron microscopy, and the following results obtained based on the morphological characteristics of cell differentiation of the seminiferous epithelium in the testis. According to the fine structural differentiation, spermiogenesis of S. minutus gracillimks was divided into Golgi, cap, acrosome, maturation and spermiation phases. Beside, the Golgi and cap phases were subdivided into three steps of early, middle and late phase respectively, and acrosome phase into two steps of early and late phase , and maturation and spermiation phases has only one step respectively. Thus, the spermiogenesis of S. minutus gracillimus was divided into a total of ten steps. The chromatin granules begin to be condensed in the acrosome phase, and a perfect nucleus of sperm was formed at the spermiation phase. Mancette were appeared from the late acrosome phase to the maturation phase. The formation of sperm tail began to develop in the late Golgi phase, and completed at the spermiation phase. Multivesicular bodies were appeared from the Golgi phase to the maturation phase, recognized with pale, pale and moderate, and dense at Golgi, cap and acrosomal and matulation phases respectively.
식충목 땃쥐과 쇠뒤쥐 (Sarex minutus gracillimus)의 정자변태과정을 알아보기 위하여 세정관 상피의 세포분화에 따른 형태적 특징을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 쇠뒤쥐의 정자변태과정을 골지기, 두모기를 각각 전 중 후기로, 첨체기를 각각 전 후기로, 성숙기와 이탈기를 각각 하나의 단계로 총 10단계로 나눌 수 있었다. 핵질의 응축은 첨체기에 시작하여 이탈기에 완성되었으며, 만세트의 출현은 첨체후기부터 성숙기까지 나타났다. 정자편모의 형성은 골지후기에 생성하여 이탈기에 완성되었다. 다포체는 골지기부터 성숙기까지 나타났으며, 골지기는 주로 pale multivesicular body가, 두모기와 첨체기는 주로 pale 또는 moderate pale multivesicular bodies가 그리고 성숙기에서는 dense multivesicular body가 관찰되었다.