배출권거래제 시범도입 및 운영방안

A Study on Introducing Pilot Project of Tradable SO2 Emissions Permits

  • 발행 : 2001.04.30


This study provides allocation methods and transaction instances of introducing pilot projects of $SO_2$ emission trading that recently rises as an scheme for effective emission regulation to internalizing environmental externalities. The emissions caps that is the total endowment of $SO_2$ emission permits are calculated in each emission plant by considering methods for distributing those permits-by giving them away or by selling them at auction. The method adopted in this study has several defects in application of the reality. However, this study may have contributions to cognize the importance of, allowance trading among the participants and to firstly design the allocations of emission permits for each plant using real emission data.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 중앙대학교