An Analysis of the Momentum Effect by Students' Characteristics and the Modes of Representation Patterns

  • Kim, Jun-Tae (Kongju National University, Korea National University of Education) ;
  • Kwon, Jae-Sool (Kongju National University, Korea National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.30


The purpose of this study was to find the effect of these variables on the duration of the momentum effect. To examine the momentum effect for gravitational field concepts, an intensive time series design was used. We collected data every day except Sundays and holidays for 50 days; 5 days for baseline, 30 days for intervention, and 15 days for the follow up We adopted cognitive levels and styles as students characteristics and two item characteristics(quantity versus quality, and word versus picture) as the item representation patterns. In this study, the momentum effect was influenced by students characteristics and item representation patterns. The results showed that two variables, cognitive style and quantity/quality, were the most influential factors for the duration of momentum effect. Field independent students showed a longer duration than field dependent students did. In addition, students showed a longer duration in quality items than in quantity items. However, students cognitive levels(formal or preformal) and word/picture presentations seemed to have relatively weak effect on the duration of the momentum effect.
