Physical Therapy Korea (한국전문물리치료학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 3
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- Pages.11-26
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- 2001
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- 1225-8962(pISSN)
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- 2287-982X(eISSN)
Characteristics of the Fatigue Index in EMG Power Spectrum Analysis During Isokinetic Exercise
등속성 운동 시 근전도 주파수 분석에서 얻은 피로지수의 특성
- Won, Jong-Im (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Daewon Science College) ;
Cho, Sang-Hyun
(Dept. of Rehabilitation Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University Institute of Health Science, Yonsei University) ;
Yi, Chung-Hwi
(Dept. of Rehabilitation Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University Institute of Health Science, Yonsei University) ;
Kwon, Oh-Youn
(Dept. of Rehabilitation Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University Institute of Health Science, Yonsei University) ;
Lee, Young-Hee
(Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wonju Christian Hospital Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
Park, Jung-Mi
(Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wonju Christian Hospital Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
- 원종임 (대원과학대학 물리치료과) ;
(연세대학교 보건과학대학 재활학과 및 보건과학연구소) ;
(연세대학교 보건과학대학 재활학과 및 보건과학연구소) ;
(연세대학교 보건과학대학 재활학과 및 보건과학연구소) ;
(연세대학교 원주의과대학 재활의학교실) ;
(연세대학교 원주의과대학 재활의학교실)
- Published : 2001.09.17
In rehabilitation programs involving muscle re-education and endurance exercise, it is necessary to confirm when fatigue occurs. It is also necessary to quantify fatigue, to confirm whether the muscle has been exercised sufficiently. In general, as fatigue occurs, the force-generating ability of the muscle is reduced. If the median frequency (MDF) obtained from electromyogram (EMG) power spectrum is correlated highly with work, then the timing and degree of fatigue may be confirmed. This study examined the relationship between work and MDF obtained from the EMG power spectrum during repetitive isokinetic exercise. Surface EMG signals were collected from biceps brachii and vastus lateralis of 52 normal subjects (26 males, 26 females) at