기계적 자극에 대한 휴지기를 포함한 교근의 근전도 신호 모델링

Masseteric EMG Signal Modeling Including Silent Period After Mechanical Stimulation

  • 김덕영 (부천대 전자과) ;
  • 이상훈 (서울시립대 대학원 전자공학과) ;
  • 이승우 (서울대 치과대학 구강진단과) ;
  • 김성환 (서울시립대 대학원 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


The term 'silent period(SP)' refers to a transitory, relative or absolute decrease electromyography(EMG) activity, evoked in the midst of an otherwise sustained contraction. Masseteric SP is elicited by a tap on the chin during isometric contraction of masseter muscle. In this paper, a new EMG signal generation model including SP in masseter muscle is proposed. This work is based on the anatomical structure of trigeminal nerve system that related on temporomandibular joint(TMJ) dysfunction. And it was verified by comparing the real EMG signals including SP in masseter muscle to the simulated signals by the proposed model. Through this studies, it was shown that SP has relation to variable neurophysiological phenomena. A proposed model is based on the control system theory and DSP(Digital Signal Processing) theory, and was simulated using MATLAB simulink. As a result, the proposed SP model generated EMG signals which are similar to real EMG signal including normal SP and an abnormal extended SP. This model can be applied to the diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction and can effectively explain the origin of extended SP.



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