생혈단의 골수부전 치료효과에 대한 실험적 연구

The Effects of Saenghyuldan(shengxiedan) on Bone Marrow Failure

  • 이연월 (대전대학교 부속 한방병원 내과) ;
  • 손창규 (대전대학교 부속 한방병원 내과) ;
  • 조종관 (대전대학교 부속 한방병원 내과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Objectives: This experimental study was carried out to prove the effect of Saenghyuldan(SHD; shengxiedan) on bone marrow failure induced by cyclophosphamide(CY) and irradiation in mice. Methods: The following were performed; immunopathology, histopathlogical findings of bone marrow and in the smear of myelocyte. hematopoietic cytokine(IL-3, GM-CSF, TPO), hematopoietic stem cell colony assay, humoral immunity(LPS mitogen response), cell-mediated immunity (Con A mitogen response) and nonspecific immunity(macrophage adherence & phagocytosis) in vitro or vivo. Results: SHD showed a protective effect on bone marrow failure induced by cyclophosphamide(CY) and irradiation in mice. SHD increased lymphoproliferative responses to LPS and Con A, and activated macrophage adherence and phagocytosis to SRBC. Conclusions: We expect that SHD can be used to treat bone marrow failure and immune suppression induced by the chemotherapy or radiation.



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  5. 간계내과학 김병운;우홍정;김덕호;강병기;임재훈;강윤호;조종관;최서형;장문석
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