퍼지선형회귀를 이용한 재고관리

An Inventory Management for Fuzzy Linear Regression

  • 허철회 (성덕대학 컴퓨터정보계열) ;
  • 조성진 (선린대학교 전자계산) ;
  • 정환묵 (대구가톨릭대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


The industrial structure comes to be complicated and for the production of the enterprise the rational and scientific forecast is necessary. The demand forecast has been widely used to linear regression, and up to now the linear regression was sharp the relationskp between then dependent variable and the independent variables. But, The real society demands accurate demand forecast from uncertain environment and subjective concept. This paper proposes the demand quantity forecast method to using of the fuzzy linear regression in uncertain and vague environment. Also, the optimum decision making of the demand quantity forecast uses integral calculus of the Sugeno to reflecting with the expert's (inventory manager) opinion.
