소기업에서 IT 사용 만족도에 대한 연구

A study of the information technology satisfaction in a small business.

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


In this study we tried to measure the user satisfaction with IT in small firms. Though the number of small firms is not negligible, most studies on the IT satisfaction focused on medium and large-sized firms. Using Palvia's model in 1999 we measured If satisfaction of the employee in small firms in the manufacturing and telecommunication industry. We included seven constructs such as S/W pertinence, information content and accuracy, information format, system usefulness, system continuance, and system support to measure IT satisfaction. The result suggests that the If users in small firms are generally dissatisfied with the information technology and the areas of deep dissatisfaction are system usefulness and system support. Type of business, the gender and education of the users are found to affect the level of satisfaction.
