한국농림기상학회지 (Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology)
- 제3권1호
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- Pages.30-36
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- 2001
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- 1229-5671(pISSN)
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- 2288-1859(eISSN)
격리된 입지환경에서 형성된 한라산 흑오미자 자생군락의 유전변이
Genetic Variation of Natural Populations of Schisandra nigra in Mt. Halla
우리나라에 자생하고 있는 흑오미자 유전자원을 보존하고 육성하기 위하여, 제주도 한라산이라는 격리된 지역에 천연분포하고 있는 3개 집단을 대상으로 동위 효소분석에 의한 유전변이를 조사하였다. 1. 흑오미자 자생지 3개 집단의 4개의 동위효소에 대한 대립유전자 빈도와 분포는 6개의 유전자좌 가운데 Mdh-l과 Pgi-l을 제외한 모든 유전자좌에서 2개 이상의 대립유전자가 관측되어 Idh, Mdh-2, Mnr, Pgi-2에서 다형성을 보였다. Pgi-2를 제외한 Idh, Mdh-2, Pgi-l, Mdh-1, Mnr 유전자좌에서 동일한 대립유전자가 빈도가 가장 높은 주대립유전자로 나타났다. 2. 유전자좌당 대립유전자수(A/L)는 평균 1.7개의 값을 보였으며, 95%(
Schisandra nigra Max. has been cultivated far a medical use as well as food. It is an endemic species which has a unique habitat at the altitude of 600-1,400 m in Cheju island. In this study, three natural populations of S. nigra were investigated by using of starch-gel electrophoresis to determine the extent and distribution of genetic diversity. Except 2 monomorphic locus (Mdh-2 and Pgi-1), 4 of the 6 isozyme locus (Idh, Mdh-2, Mnr, and Pgi-2), verified from 4 isozymes, revealed polymorphism in the three populations of S. nigra. The mean number of allele per locus was 1.7 and the percentages of polymorphism loci were 38.9% at 95% level and 50% at 99% level respectively. The observed and estimated heterozygosities were 0.141 and 0.147 respectively. Although plants which were in the face of crisis and distributed in the restricted area, have been known to the very low degree of genetic variation, S. nigra showed higher genetic variation than others. Genetic variation was mostly allocated within population and individuals than that among populations. The result of Wright's F analysis estimates of