SD모형을 이용한 무선인터넷 시장 동태성 연구

A study on the Dynamics of Mobile Internet Market via System Dynamics Approach

  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


Perhaps, one of the typical emerging markets drawing tremendous attention from not only business professionals but also policy-makers would be the mobile Internet services. In recent years many research institutes reported their predictions on the growth of the mobile Internet services market, announcing that the market would show explosive growth and replace the wired Internet service market rapidly. Unfortunately, however, the reality we are facing at present is quite different from their expectations. The realized share of the mobile services in Korea last year has turned out remaining only about one percent of the total network service revenue. What are the reasons for the gap between the prospects and the reality? Starting from this question, this paper attempts to explore the generic pitfalls of the traditional number-crunching methods adopted thus far for the forecast of newly emerging market trends, and present an alternative by introducing systems thinking to the mobile Internet service market as an example, followed by its rationale as a new tool for forecasting and some reasoning about why traditional methods are no longer appropriate.
